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The Poems of Alexander Montgomerie

Edited by James Cranstoun

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As Ydilnes is mother of all vyce,
And Sluggishnes the very sone of shame,
So Honour is that only pearle of pryce
That leivis to men ane everlasting name,
Quhen they ar dead, to live agane by fame,
Quharof the gredy Curage evir gloirs.
Quhilk wes the caus, we come so far from ha[me,]
To knau this Court, vhilk all the world de[coirs;]
Quhilk for to sie, we saild by syndry shoirs,
And past the perillous gredy gulfe of Perse,
And levir sees that syndry shippis devoirs;
Quhare is no fish, bot monsters fell and feir[se;]
Quhais vgly shappis wer tyrsum to reherse;
And mairatour, we come not to that end,
To wery ȝou, and wast the day in verse,
Quhilk otheruyse we purpose for to spend;
As pairtly by our clething may be kend,
And vncouth armes, that errant knichts we [ar,]
Of forrein lands, vhom Fortun heir hes send,
To find thy grace, vhom we haif soght so [far.]
Than grant thou vs, befor that we come n[ar,]
Thy saiv sure conduct, that we may be frie
To prove thy knights. We dout not bot they d[ar,]
In play or ernest, be bold to brek a tre.
And so, I trou, dar ony of ȝon thrie:
Bot they are not come heir for sik a thing;
Bot rather, for thair Ladyes sake, to se
Quha fairest runis, and oftest taks the ring.
Go to than, shirs, and let vs streik a sting.
Cast crosse or pyle, vha sall begin the play;
And let the luifsume Ladyis and the King
Decerne, as judges, vha dois best, this day.


So, for my pairt, I haif no more to say.
God speid ȝou weill, and keip the timber haill!
Wait on ȝour fortun, vhill sho say ȝou nay.
I wish ȝou weill, if Fortun may availl.