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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 115. Non nobis.


Psal. 115. Non nobis.


Not unto us, Lord, not to us,
give glory to thy Name:
Proclaime it for thy Mercy thus,
thus for thy Truth proclaime.


And wherefore should the Heathens crie,
Where is their God forsooth?


Our God is in the Heavens most hie,
and what him pleaseth, doth.


Their Idols silver are and gold,
whose melted masse they serve;
Worke, which the hand of man doth mold,
and curious is to carve.


A mouth they have, but speech none there,
and eyes, but casements blind:


And eares, but eares that cannot heare,
nor scent their noses wind.


Hands, where no sense of feeling found,
feet, that foot never went;
Their senslesse trunkes at all no sound,
nor lungs, or throat to vent.


Like stuffe to them their makers are,
like drosse of divers dust:
Like Saints, like Servitors compare,
are all that in them trust.


Trust in the Lord, O Israel,
on him their hopes who build,
Their hopes are sure to speed them well,
he is their help and shield.


Upon the Lord, O Aarons house,
your hopes foundation build,
Such hopes find him auspicious,
he is their help and shield.



O ye, in holy reverence,
to feare the Lord that yeeld,
In whom ye feare, put confidence,
he is their help and shield.


The Lord to us, remembring well
his blessings to expresse,
Will blesse the house of Israel,
the house of Aaron blesse.


Be it your state small meanes afford,
sit ye in honours seat;
Young, old, that feare the Lord, the Lord
will blesse you, small and great.


To adde to you, and to your race,
the Lord will yet proceed,
To multiply on you his grace,
on you, and on your seed.


The blessed of the Lord ye are,
his blessings ye partake:
Your Maker, he makes you his care,
that Heaven and Earth did make.


The Heavens, & Heavens supremest Heaven,
the Lord alone commands:
The Earth to Adams sons hath given,
to serve him in all lands.


And though the dead, Lord, of thy praise,
no song in silence sing:


To praise thee Lord, shall endlesse daies
our Halelu-jahs ring.