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How hard the maiden orphan's fate,
Whose early joys and hopes are fled,
Who vainly asks the rich and great
For leave to earn her daily bread!
Exposed to frowns, rebukes, and sneers,
In humble menial garb arrayed,
While heartless fools deride her tears,
And spurn the hapless orphan maid.
There was a time—alas! 't is fled—
When fortune, friends, and kindred smiled,
When sunny rays of joy were shed
Around the gay and happy child;
When, shielded by parental care,
No pang of sorrow dared invade,
Save when she saw the meek despair
Of some poor hapless orphan maid.
But ah! her parents died, and left
Their darling, unprotected child,
Of fortune, friends, and joy bereft,
And then the maiden never smiled.


She only asked to toil for bread,
She sought no unrequited aid—
But asked in vain!—till hope was fled,
And death relieved the orphan maid!