Carleton Kemp Allen, Law in the Making, 6th ed. (Oxford,
1958). Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, trans. H. Rackham,
Loeb Classical Library, revised ed. (London and Cambridge,
Mass., 1934); idem, The “Art” of Rhetoric, trans. John Henry
Freese, Loeb Classical Library (London and Cambridge,
Mass., 1926). William W. Buckland, Equity in Roman Law
(London, 1911). Huntington Cairns, Legal Philosophy from
Plato to Hegel (Baltimore, 1949). Cicero, De republica—De
legibus, trans. Clinton W. Keyes, Loeb Classical Library
(London and Cambridge, Mass., 1938). Boaz Cohen, Law
and Tradition in Judaism (New York, 1959); idem, “Letter
and Spirit in Jewish and Roman Law,” Mordecai M. Kaplan
Jubilee Volume (New York, 1953). David Daube, Studies in
Biblical Law (Cambridge, 1947). G. C. Field, The Philosophy
of Plato (Oxford and New York, 1949). William S. Holds-
worth, A History of English Law, 16 vols. (London, 1903-66),
esp. 3rd ed. (1945), Vol. V. James Willard Hurst, Growth
of American Law: The Law Makers (Boston, 1950). John W.
Jones, Law and Legal Theory of the Greeks (Oxford, 1956).
Maimonides, Code, Book 14, The Book of Judges, trans.
Abraham M. Hershman (New Haven, 1949). M. R. Konvitz,
“Law and Morals in the Hebrew Scriptures, Plato, and
Aristotle,” in Social Responsibility in an Age of Revolution,
ed. L. Finkelstein (New York, 1971). Henry Maine, Ancient
Law (London, 1861), Ch. III. Frederic W. Maitland, Sketch
of English Legal History (New York, 1915); idem, Equity,
also Forms of Action at Common Law, eds. A. H. Chaytor
and W. J. Wittaker (Cambridge, 1909). Mishnah, trans.
Herbert Danby, Makkoth I. 10 (Oxford, 1933). Glenn R.
Morrow, Plato's Cretan City (Princeton, 1960). Plato, Dia-
logues, trans. Benjamin Jowett (Oxford, 1892); idem, The
Laws, trans. A. E. Taylor (London, 1934). Theodore F. T.
Plucknett, Concise History of the Common Law, 5th ed.
(London, 1956). Frederick Pollock, Essays in the Law
(London, 1922), Ch. VII. Max Radin, Handbook of Anglo-
American Legal History (St. Paul, 1936). Select Essays in
Anglo-American Legal History, by various authors (Boston,
1908), Vol. II, Part IV. A. E. Taylor, Plato: the Man and
His Work, 6th ed. (New York, 1952). Paul Vinogradoff,
Outlines of Historical Jurisprudence, 2 vols. (London,
[See also Equality; Justice;
Law, Common, Natural; Legal
Precedent; Stoicism.]