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At a great and generall Quarter Court held for Virginia on Wenesday the second of May 1621:

At a great and generall Quarter Court held
for Virginia on Wenesday the second
of May 1621:


the right Honoble Earle of Southampton. 
Lo: Cauendish. 
Lo: Padgett. 
Sr: Thomas Roe.  Sr: Edwyn Sandys.  Sr: Samuell Sandys. 
Sr Nich: Tufton.  Sr: Iohn Dãuers.  Sr: Walter Earle. 
Sr Rich: Worsely.  Sr: Henry Rainsford.  Sr ffran: Wyate. 
mr Deputy fferrar.  mr George Sandys.  Captain Tucker. 
mr Toby Palauacine.  Capt: Wm Newce.  mr Rob̴te Smith. 
mr Thomas Gibbs.  Capt. Bargraue.  mr Challonr
mr Iohn Zouch.  mr Wm: Oxenbridge.  mr Porter. 
mr Iohn Smith.  mr Kempe.  mr Moone. 
Doctor: Winstone.  mr Henry Rainsford.  mr Jefferson. 
Doctor: Anthony.  mr Edw: Gibbs.  mr Sheppard. 
mr Nich: fferrar. 



mr Peniston mr Cartwright mr Wale mr Scott mr Palmer mr Newland
mr Abra: Chamberlen mr Biddolph mr Boothby mr Tomkins mr Iadwin
mr Rogers mr Clarke mr Wiseman mr Agres mr Bennett mr Couell mr Poulson mr Louer mr Bull mr Bland mr Rugles mr Casewell mr Berblock
mr Barker mr Barbor mr Swinho, mr George Smith mr Mellinge mr Swayne mr Widdowes mr Martin mr Ewens Captain Hamer mr Peirce
mr Peake wth divers others.

Mr Deputy signified vnto the Company that my Lo: of Southampton
could not be here at the begiñing of this Court by reason of some
speciall buissines this afternoone at Parliament. And therfore desired
that in the meane tyme they might begin to order something in
reguard of many matters they had to dispatch: wherevpon after the
Actℯ of the former Court were read, he began to remember them of
those p̱ticulars yt had been p̳pounded [214] in the Preparatiue Court
and referred to the confirmac̃on of the greater Quarter Courte.

My Lo: of Southh̴-
ton can not be
p̃nte at ye begiñng
of ye Court.

And first that whereas it hath been taken into considerac̃on how
necessary and behoufull it is to establish two such officers in Virginia
as a Treasuror and a Marshall whereby the one might be Accountant
to the Company here for such rents and dutyes as shall yearely accrue
and belong vnto them (there being already 1000li: due in that kind) and especially take care, to cause such direcc̃ons as from hence ∥shall∥ proceed touching the setting forward of good and staple Comodities
be duely and exactly executed from tyme to tyme, the neglect
whereof hetherto hath been an infinite preiudice vnto the Plantacon: And that the other officer namely the Marshall might vndertake ye Care and Charge aswell of the ffortificac̃ons as of the Armes and
forces of the Colony and to settle it in that proporc̃on of strength as
it may be able to defend it sellfe against all forraigne Enemyes.

The establishing
of the two officers
of Marshall and

To wch end and that these officers might be mayntayned, care had
been taken by the Comittees, assisted wth some of the Counsell accord-
ing to an order of Courte, and to state and endowe the said offices
wth a convenient Salary: wch they had proporc̃oned in man9 follow-

The Comittees care
in stating ye said


ffirst vnto the place of Treasuror they had allotted 1500: acres of land
to be cultivated and manured by 50: p̱sonns to be placed therevpon
in the quality of Teñntℯ at hallfℯ, to belong to the said office for ever: whereof 25 to be sent this present yeare ∥voyage∥ and as many more
the yeare ensuing: wch number of 50 p̱sons ye Treasuror is bound to
mayntaine and leave to his successor. Moreover towardℯ the Charge
of necessary provisions to be made for the said Treasuror they had
allowed (according to former Presidentℯ) 150li: and the free transporte
of his owne family not exceeding the number of 20 p̱sons. [215]

Tr̃ers Allowance.

And vnto the place of Marshall in like manner they have thought
fitt to allowe the like proporc̃on of land and Tenantℯ to be appropri-
ated to the said office for ever, And for asmuch as Captaine William
Newce nowe proposed for the place of Marshall vpon speciall recom̃-
endacon of his sufficiency to performe the said service, hath vnder-
taken to plant and furnish out wth necessaries, the said number of 50 persons all wthin one yeare vpon the said land, and them to maintaine
and leave to his Successor. In consideracon hereof the said Comit-
tees have thought fitt, the better to enhable him herevnto to allowe
him 200li: in hand towardℯ the Charge of his present setting out, and
other 200li: vpon Certificate of his arryvall in Virginia: wch severall
allowance this Courte having duely considered conceaved to be very
reasonable, and being put to the question did ratifye and confirme
But for the manner of managing the said offices it was thought fitt to
recom̃end yt tothe Care and wisedome of the Counsell to prescribe
the same, and to order and lymitt their proceedingℯ by instrucc̃ons.

Marshalls Allow-

It was further signified that the said Comittees have likewise thought
fitt to allowe the Gouernor noe lesse then 200li: for all necessary
p̳visions to be made for this his present voyadge wth free transport of
his owne family not exceeding twenty persons Wch being now put to
the question was ratified and confirmed by a generall errecc̃on of

Gou9nors Allow-


Vpon this and the like vsuall constituc̃on of men and lands to belonge
to every Cheif officers place. Sr Iohn Dãuers having formerly taken
a fitt occasion to moue did now againe referr the same to the consid-
erac̃on of this Court: that seeing both reason and some experience
had taught that officers did more regard, and labor more to advance
their owne Tenantℯ by whome they were mayntayned, then those of
the Companies: whither it were not fitting for prevention thereof
hereafter to reduce and cast into the number of the publique those
Tenantℯ [216] that belong to the Gouernor, or any other officer, and
out of the whole proffitℯ belonging to the Company to propocon the
said officers the same allowance ratably according to the number of
their Tenantℯ: conceaving it to be very probable that this Course, if
any will stirr them vpp to a more serious regard and care of advanc-
ing the publick seeing their own private interest and Com̃oditye was
therein involued. Wch moc̃on this Court conceavinge it to be of speciall
importance thought fitt to referr it to the further considerac̃on and
determinac̃on of the Counsell.

Sr Iohn Dãuers
moc̃on that offi-
cers Teñntℯ might
be cast into ye

The bargaine made wth mr of the George, for carryinge 80.
persons in the said Shipp at vjli a man and 3li a tunne for goodℯ,
(after wch rate of 6li a man he is to receaue present payment of the
whole Sum̃ togeather) being put to the question was likewise con-

The bargaine
made wth mr

The Contract made wth the ffrenchmen procured from Languedock
and sent to Virginia for planting of Vynes and orderinge of Silke-
wormes, the said Contract being for payment of ther wages and other
allowances (whereof the said ffrenchmen had already sealed the
Counterp̱te before their departure hence) the same being now read
and after put to the question was ordered to be sealed.

The Contract wth
the ffrenchmen.

Three patentℯ for p̱ticular Plantac̃ons in Virginia one to Sr: Rich: Bulkly the second to Sr Richard Worsley and his associatℯ and a third
to Captain Willm Newce being all three formerly read and approved
of by the Preparatiue Court, and nowe put to the question were con-
firmed and ordered to be sealed.

·3· Patents.


The Patent heretofore ordered to be graunted to Sr Willm Mounson
and his associatℯ being nowe read and observed to be amended accord-
ing to a former order of Courte was likewise put to ye question and
ordered to be sealed.

Sr Willm Moun-
sons Patent sealed.

This Afternoone being nowe farr spent and much buissines remayn-
ing still to be despatched, it was agreed that the Court should be con-
tinued till all matters were ordered.

Court continued.

In regard of the shortnes of time it was moved yt they might now
goe in hand wth buissines propper to that day wch by his Mats: ɫres
Patentℯ was ordeyned Cheifly for elecc̃on of officers. [217]

Wherevpon the names of the Auditors for the last yeare were
appointed to be read: wch being donne the Courte thought fitt, in
respect of their worth, their sufficiency and experience, to continue
6. of them still for the yeare ensueing vizt

Sr: Edwyn Sandys.  mr Iohn Wroth. 
Sr Iohn Dãuers.  mr Keightly. 
mr Iohn fferrar.  mr Cranmer. 
Auditors Chosen.

And in respect mr Briggs was nowe gon to Oxford to abyde, there was
chosen in his place mr Gibbs: All wch being put to the question were
confirmed and tooke the same Oath.

Proceeding to the elecc̃on of the Comittees according to the standing
orders of the Company (whereby they are to choose anewe a fourth
part the number of 16: to the end that many may be trayned vp in
ye like buisines) the Court chose againe twellve of them of the last
yeare vizt.

mr Cranmer.  mr Caswell.  mr Bland. 
mr Berblock.  mr Melling.  mr Wiseman. 
mr Bull.  mr Barnard.  mr Darnelly. 
mr Geo: Smith.  mr Boothby.  mr Nich: fferrar. 


And having discharged one ffourth parte vizt. mr Iones mr Clarke, mr Chambers mr Wheately, choise ∥was∥ made of these fower in their
places vizt.

mr Bennett.  mr Biddolph. 
mr Ayres.  mr Couell. 
Edward Collingwood Secretary
Willm Webbe. Husband
Frauncis Carter Beadle 
were confirmed in their former places
and tooke their Oath. 

Proceedinge to the elecc̃on of Marshall for somuch as Captaine Wil-
liam Newce was onely proposed to stand to the elecc̃on and to ∥to be∥ put to the Ballating Box, was by the same chosen wth a generall con-
sent (saue of three balls onely found in the negatiue boxe) to be
Marshall of Virginia:

Capt Newce chos-
en Marshall.

Mr George Sandys likewise being nominated for the place of Treas-
uror and accordingly ballated §was§ wth like consent (saue of 3 balls
onely) chosen and confirmed to be Treasuror: [218]

mr Geo: Sandys
chosen Tr̃er.

It being moved that two such eminent officers as the Marshall and
Treasuror wherevnto so worthy Gentlemen are now elected might be admitted both of his Mats: Counsell here as also of the Counsell
of State in Virginia. The Court conceaved it very fitt and ordered
vnto them both accordingly.

Marshall & Tr̃er
to be of ye Coun-
sell here & of ye
State in Virginia.

Mr Oulsworth likewise vpon mr Smyths report and comendac̃on of his
worth & sufficiency (having been a Iustice of peace here in England
for so many yeares and of the quorum) was nowe chosen and con-
firmed to be of the Counsell of State in Virginia.

mr Oulsworth of
ye Counsell

A moc̃on being made yt the Auditors and Comittees might have some
reward in shares of land in recompence of their great paines and
attendance vpon the Companies service. It was thought fitt the
Comittee appointed for the distribuc̃on of shares in that kind should
take the same into their considerãcons

The Auditors to
haue some reward
in Shares.


But in regard of the extraordinary well deservinge of Sr Edwyn Sandys
and his Continuall constant endeavors: both before and in the time of
his gouerment and since to vphold and advance the Plantac̃on by his
industry care and providence the Company thought fitt now in his
absence especially, to shewe some testimony of their loue and thanke-
fullnes though no wayes able to gratifie his paines in that ample meas-
ure as he had deserued, by bestowing 20: shares of land vpon him for
the present till better meanes accrue yt might enhable the Company
to be further thankefull vnto him: wch 20: shares being put to the
question were by a Generall Consent ratified and confirmed.

20: Shares be-
stowed on Sr Ed-
wyn Sandys.

ffor somuch as it hath been obsrved that the alienating and selling
shares of land at an vnder value as comonly men do for 40: or 50s: did
not onely defraud the treasury of much money that would come vpon an
orderly purchase thereof from the Company but did also exceedingly
sleight & disesteeme the free and honoble bounty of this Court, and in
a manner embace the Virginia Soyle: and besides not a little discour-
age such as had paid in their 12li 10s for every single share; ffor
p̢venting whereof it was therfore moved that ye Court would please
in bestowing shares ∥of land hereafter∥ vpon merrite: to graunt it
wth [219] such lymitac̃ons, as no man may have liberty to sell, or
transfer his shares to any other for any considerac̃on whatsoever vnles
the Comittee appointed for distribuc̃on of shares should be moved vpon
some speciall reasons to give way therevnto: wherevpon the Court
ordered that from this daye forward all shares of land given by the
Company, shalbe lymited vnder the former Caution, vnles the said
Com̃ittee shall thinke otherwise thinke fitt to allowe thereof. The
names of the said Com̃ittee are these vizt.

Sr Edwyn Sandys.  vnto whome the 
Sr Iohn Dãuers.  Court have now added 
mr Deputy fferrar.  mr Herbert and 
mr Iohn Smith.  mr Iermine. 
The alienating &
sellinge of Shares
at vndervalue
Shares given vpon
merritt not to be
sould Cr.

The five shares of land graunted to mr Newland as a free guift of the
Comp: in reward of his extraordinary paines taken in their service in


taking care of Shipping their people in the Abigaile at the Ile of Wight
being now put to ye question was confirmed vpon condic̃on that he sell
them not awaye.
5. shares to mr Newland

Two shares of land given to mr Bonnall in considerac̃on of his paines
in procuring the ffrenchmen from Languedock for the Companies
service nowe in Virginia being put to the question were confirmed vpon
the same condic̃on.

2. shares to mr Bonnall.

Concerning mr Deputies Account he shewed that whereas he had
receaved divers Sum̃es of money of his Lop to be disbursed by him and
the Comittees in making provisions of all sortℯ for divers Shipps and
people this yeare sent to Virginia, he was not able at this Court to
give vp a perfect Account of all ye p̱ticulars to the finishing of it: In
reguard that himsellfe and the Com̃ittees for the more speedy dispatch
of the said Shipps and people formerly sent had bought divers sortℯ of provisions vpon their Creddittℯ hoping to have receaved money ere
this time from mr Barbor for clearing those debtℯ whereby his Account
might have been p̢served against this Quarter Court.

mr: Deputies re-
port concrning his

But the soddaine suppressing of Lotteries have caused that money
[220] came not in as they expected: And for so much as the Com-
panies Stock lyeth now altogeather in Plate and therfore was not so
presently able to be turned into money wthout to great losse but hoped
that it would be by the next Quarter Court wch would be about five
weekℯ hence: for these reasons he did humbly entreate this Court
that they would be pleased to respite this Account till the next moneys
were receaved for the paying of such debtℯ as were to be discharged
vpon the last yeares Account wch the Court thought very reasonable.[814]

Touching Sr: Edwyn Sandys Account he likewise declared that in his
absence he was to signify vnto them that whereas Sr Edwyn at the
giving vp of his place, stood bound for the Company for certaine Sum̃es
of money wch were ordered to be paid vnto him for discharge of the
fraight of divers shipps and other thingℯ: wch Shipps for somuch as


all of them are not yett returned but daily expected, he therfore desired
his Accts: might likewise be respited till the next Quarter Court after
this by wch time he hopeth the Shipp will be returned, whereby he
might discharge her according to the Contract, as he had well and
carefully donn all others for wch he stood ingaged wch moc̃on was like-
wise thought very reasonable and of necessity to be graunted.
Touching Sr Ed-
wyn Sandys Ac-

The encrease of the Secretaries Salary from 20li: to 40li: p̱ Anñ and
his reward of 20li: for the time past is likewise confirmed by erecc̃on
of handℯ.

Secretaries Sallery

Mr Capps reward of 5. men passage free at the Companies charge, in
considerac̃on of his many yeares service for the Company in Virginia
wth hazard of his life amonge the Indians is likewise confirmed.

mr Capps to haue
the passage of .5.
men free.

After these buisinesses were thus ordered and the day farr spent, it
was moved that seeing my Lo: of Southampton was not yet come,
they might notwthstanding proceed to the elecc̃on of their newe
Treasuror for the yeare ensueinge: wch moc̃on being agreed vnto and
my Lo: of Southampton onely proposed for elecc̃on his Lop: was
forthwth ballated according to order [221] and thereby chosen with
a full and generall consent of the whole Courte (as appeared by the
Balls there being not one against yt) to continue and hold the said
place of Treasuror for the ensuing yeare whereof his Lop: being
advertized at his Cominge, and of the humble and earnest request of
the whole Court to that purpose, was pleased to accept of their willing
choise in very noble mañer excusing his remisse coming to their Courtℯ the yeare past, as allso the occasion of his longe stay this daye at
Parliamt: wch the Court did not onely signify their readines to dis-
pence wth, but rendered also to his Lop: the greatest thankℯ that pos-
siblie they could for his honoble: care and paines and endeavors to
vphold and advance the Plantac̃on ever since his happy entrance into
this place of gouermt.

My Lo: of South-
ampton chosen

After this his Lpp according to the standing orders of the Company
deliu9ed into the Court a booke of his Accountℯ for the yeare past
examined & approved vnder the Auditors handℯ, as allso the number


of the Supplies of people sent to Virginia the same yeare. But touch-
ing the present State of the Cashe his Lop said he could give them as
yet no Account: because the State was now already in Plate wch required some longer time to be converted into money.
A booke of my Lo:

Sr Edwyn Sandys signified vnto the Company that whereas to their
great care and Cost of at least 4000li: they had heretofore given direc-
c̃on for the setting vp of certain Iron workℯ in Virginia and to that
end p̳cured skillfull workemen for making of Iron they had receaved
credible informac̃on that three of their mr workemen were dead: In
supply of whome, because the hope of that Com̃oditie alone is very
great having already receaved a good proofe thereof by Iron sent from
thence they have already sent three other skillfull workemen to
advance againe the said worke, and now it was their good happ to
light vpon a fourth gent (named mr Iohn Berkly who in the iudgement
of those that knewe him well was helld to be very sufficient that
waye) who did now offer himsellf to goe vpon the said service and
carry over wth him 20 principall workemen well experienced in those
kinde of [222] workℯ wherevpon the Court thought fitt that the Com-
ittees hereafter named or any five of them should treate * * *
and conclude wth the said mr Berkly and likewise wth his Sonne being
desirous to goe over wth his said father touching their demaundℯ for
performance of the said service.

mr Io: Berkly
com̃ended for Iron
Comittees to treate
wth mr Berkly.

The Comittees were these,

Sr: Nicho: Tufton.  mr Iohn Smith. 
Sr: Iohn Dãuers.  mr Wrote. 
Sr: Henry Rainsford.  mr Iohn fferrar. 
Sr: ffra: Wyate.  mr Nicho: fferrar. 
Capt Wm: Newce.  mr Berblocke. 

Mr: Norwood being recom̃ended by Captain Tucker for his sufficiency
in surveying of landℯ and one desirous to goe over to Virginia, vpon
that was now chosen for that place and referred to the former Com̃-
ittee to treate wth him concerning some allowances to be given vnto

mr Norwood Sur-


The said Com̃ittee are likewise desired to drawe vp a Comission for
Captain Will͠m Newce for the office of Marshall of Virginia to be ready
for the Seale against the next Court, vnto wch authority is given by
this Quarter Court to applie the Seale vnto the said Comission being
once approved.

Captain Newse his
Commission to be

My Lo: of Southampton signified vnto the Company that although the
number of his Mats: Counsell for Virginia was already very great: yet in regard the most part of them were such eminent persons of State
as could not afford their presentℯ so often as they might have occ̃asion;
he therfore thought it very expedient and necessary to make such ∥some∥ addic̃on of such as had not only approved their sufficiency and
worth vnto the Company: but were like to give more diligent attend-
ance at their Courtℯ ∥and∥ in a manner be at hand vpon all occasions
of service and therewth all presented the names of eight Gent: wch his
Lop. com̃ended to their good approbac̃on vizt

Sr Phil: Carey.  mr Edw: Harbert. 
Sr: Edw: Lawly.  mr Iohn Smith. 
Sr: Walter Earle.  mr Iohn Delbridge. 
mr Nicho: fferrar.  mr Nicho: Hyde. 
Eight new Coun-

Who were all approved of and by a generall erecc̃on of handℯ admitted
to be of his Mats: Counsell for Virginia. [223]

My Lo: of Southampton having taken his Oath desired he might have
allowance of time and their dispensac̃on for absence, Concerning the
wch the Court fully declared that it was not their intent that his Lop: should be further bound to the p̱formance of buissines of this Court
then his owne more waightier occasions would p̱mitt.

My Lo: tooke his

The like moc̃on Sr: Edwyn Sandys made for himsellf in taking his Oath
in regard of his daylie attendance and imployment in Parliament
buissines wch was also graunted.

Sr: Edw: Sandys to
be dispenced with.

My Lord further signified that it was his suite vnto the Company that
mr Iohn fferrar of whose fidelity and sufficiency they had already so


good experience might still continue his place of Deputy wch with a
generall consent was very willingly condiscended vnto and chosen by
ballating Box.
mr fferrar contin-
ued Deputy.

My Lo: moved on the behallfe of Captain Mathew Som̃ers that for so
much as he vndertakes to transporte 100: p̱sons into Virginia, to plant
vpon a p̱ticular Plantac̃on that therefore he might have a Patent to
enhable him therevnto wch the Court accordingly graunted.

A Patent to Capt
Mathew Som̃ers

But touching Captain Baylies moc̃on on the behallf of the said Captain
Som̃ers that he might have 200li: towardℯ the Charge of planting the
said number of 100: p̱sons in regard of the p̱sonall worth and merrite
of Sr: George Som̃ers deceased whose heire he pretendℯ himsellf to be,
it was thought fitt to referr him to the former Comittees to be treated

Capt Baylies mo-
c̃on referred.

Mr Wale in his petic̃on desiring some order might be taken for pay-
ment of the money vnduelly taken from him, as being more then his
subscription wch was paid into Sr Thomas Smith, to be imployed vpon
an adventure of a Northerne ffishing: It was answeared that for somuch
as the Adventurors of the said fishing voyadge were not all of them
of this Company and besides the same being a private adventure this
Court helld it not propp̱ for them to meddle wth it.

mr Wales petic̃on.

Mr Moones petic̃on touching his Brother Nicho: Moones adventure of
money paid into ye Treasury is referred to ye Auditors for his further
satisfacc̃on. [224]

mr Moone referred
to ye Auditors.

Captain Iohn Smith in his petic̃on sheweth that for somuch as he hath
not onely adventured money for the good of the Plantac̃on and twise
built Iames Towne and fower other perticuler Plantac̃ons as he
alledgeth but for that he discouered the Country and relieved the
Colony willingly three yeares with that wch he gott from the Sauages
wth great perill and hazard of his life: that therfore in considerac̃on
herof the Company would please to reward him either out of the
Treasury here, or out of the proffitℯ of the generallity in Virginia: Touching wch request the Court hath referred him to the Com̃ittees
appointed for rewarding of men vpon merritℯ.

Capt Io: Smith re-
ferred to ye Audi-



For contracts with William Ewens, see List of Records, Nos. 256, 257, page 149, ante.


The Order in Council and the Proclamation of the King suspending the lotteries are mentioned
in List of Records, Nos. 231, 233, page 146, ante.