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Hymn 4.

O Saviour of sinners distress'd,
The sighs of Thy captive attend,
And succour, and set him at rest,
And ransom his soul to the end:


Our brother, whose burden we bear,
Whom into Thy hands we resign,
Preserve with Thy tenderest care,
And seal him eternally Thine.
Afflicted, and hated of men,
Of Thee, and Thy servants beloved,
We see him with pity and pain,
From all his companions removed:
Whom present in spirit we find,
Him absent in body we mourn,
And long to be perfectly join'd,
And pray for his happy return.
O Father, who hearest the prayer,
Presented in Jesus's name,
The peaceable answer declare,
Confirm'd in the blood of the Lamb;
We pray Thee, for Jesus's sake,
The prisoner of Jesus retrieve,
And give us His confessor back,
And all to Thy glory receive.


Hymn 5.

[Hear, O Lord, the ceaseless prayer]

Hear, O Lord, the ceaseless prayer
The suffering members groan,
Lo! we all the burden bear,
And grieve the grief of one:
Pray we, Jesus, in Thy name,
Give him to Thy church restored,
Him whom now in faith we claim,
The prisoner of the Lord.


All together bound with him
We for deliverance cry:
Thou art mighty to redeem,
Thy help is ever nigh:
Who against Thy power can stand?
Jesu, Lord, the matter take
Into Thine almighty hand,
And send our brother back.
Now into his dungeon shine,
And sweeten his distress,
Fill his heart with love Divine,
And keep in perfect peace;
Let his mind on Thee be stay'd,
Lull him in Thy arms to rest,
Bid him lean his weary head
On his Redeemer's breast.
Keep him, till the' appointed hour
Thy glory to display,
Then put forth Thy kingly power,
And make an open way;
From his sins, and bonds release,
Stamp him with the stamp Divine,
Thou Thy lawful captive seize,
And seal him ever Thine.