University of Virginia Library


Hymn 3.

Jesus of Nazareth, look down
On those Thou call'st Thy flesh and bone,
Thy suffering members here:
Arise, in their defence arise,
And now, in all the heathen's eyes,
On Israel's part appear.
Thy weakest confessors defend,
And let them on Thyself depend
For help in their distress:
Support, confirm the feeble mind,
And keep them all on Thee reclined,
And keep in perfect peace.


Let none forsake the fold, and fly,
Let none through fear their Lord deny,
But stand the fiery hour,
The greatness of Thy mercy prove,
The truth of Thy redeeming love,
And all-sufficient power.
Let none unwarily give place
To Satan, with his angel face,
And yield their souls to sell,
To sell their conscience, and their God,
Or weary leave the narrow road,
And go for ease—to hell.
Still may they on the world look down,
Superior to its smile and frown,
Its threats and promises;
The tempter tread beneath their feet,
And Thee, where Satan keeps his seat,
In life, and death confess.
Now, Saviour, now their fears remove,
The sense of Thy redeeming love
Abundantly impart,
To all whose sacred love we feel;
The prayer of faith this moment seal
On every panting heart.