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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. XCIIII.

The Argument.

The poore opprest: doth helpe implore,
agaynst proud iudges myght:
As Christ and hie: long heretofore,
be paternes good in sight.

Deus vltio num dominus.


O God and Lord: reuenger ryght,
of sinne reuenger God:
Now shew thy selfe: declare thy might,
make hast to shake thy rod.


Be thou set vp: in maiesty,
thou iudge of all the land:
Requite the proud: accordingly,
and let them feele thy hand.


How long O Lord: these wycked men,
how long tryumphe shall they?
Thy people thus: to ouer renne,
wythout both stop and stay.



They blatter out: euen what they list,
sore wordes they be and proude:
All wycked ympes: wyll not desist,
to vaunt and boast aloude.


Thy people Lord: full sore they slyte,
thyne heritage they vexe:
Their poore estates: wyth wronges they smyte
and threates therto annexe.


The widow lo: the straunger eke,
they murther craftely:
The fatherlesse: they quell alyke,
though deare to thee they ligh.


Theyr mouthes thus speake: as hartes deuise,
tush God seeth nought of this:
Nor Iacobs God: shall thys aduise,
in thys he is remysse.


Ye doltes of all: most brute to see,
betyme yet vnderstand:
When prudent wise: when will ye bee?
ye fooles I say so fond.


Can he be deafe: which made the eare,
how harken should not hee?
Who made the eye: can ye hym bleare?
that he should nothyng see?


Or he that checkes: the heathen els,
shall he not you reproue?
And he that man: all wisdom tels,
shall he not you remoue?



The Lord doth know: the thoughtes of man,
to be both fond and vayne:
Your open wronges: how can they than,
escape deserued payne?


Then happy is: that man and blest,
whom thou doost chastise here:
And whom by loue: in law thou teachest,
O blessed Lord most deare.


To make hym sit: wyth patience,
in dreadfull dayes at rest:
Whyle that to men: of violence,
theyr pit be digd and drest.


For God no dout: wyll not reiect,
hys people them to fayle:
Nor yet forsake: hys lot elect,
to make them long to wayle.


Untill that ryght: be turnd agayne,
to dome, as iust it ought:
And follow it: shall they full fayne,
whose harte hath iustice sought.


O who wyll vp: for me to stand,
agaynst malignant spies?
Or wyll wyth me: conioyne hys hand,
at wycked men to ryse?


If soone the Lord: had sent none ayde,
to me in myne vnrest:
It had not faylde: my soule dismayde,
had dwelt in graue opprest.



But when I sayd: my foote doth reele,
to note the worldes disdayne:
Then helpe O Lord: thou didst me deale,
thy grace dyd me sustayne.


As carefull thoughtes: in store dyd ryse,
when thus my hart dyd boyle:
Thy comfort so: dyd me repryse,
my soule to scape the foyle.


Shall wycked seates: of tyranny,
cleaue fast to thee as thence:
That thou should fayne: to scourge therby,
the poore by lawes pretence?


They cloyne in one: in companies,
agaynst the iust mans lyfe:
The giltles soule: of wycked vyce,
they whole condemne in stryfe.


The Lord yet was: to me in stresse,
a refuge strong of fence:
My God was rocke: as inaccesse,
my trust and confidence.


He shall them quite: their crafty guiles,
as they dyd others cloy:
God shall them slea: for all theyr wyles,
our Lord shall them destroy.