University of Virginia Library



Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come.”—Sol. Song ii. 11, 12.

Springtide has come with all the spells
That made the opening year so bright,
The mystic dance of shade and light,
The blooms that ring sweet Sunday bells;
No longer now by faith but sight,
We walk in Eden where God dwells;
Who builds, with happy tears and laughters,
His house of leafy walls and rafters.
But yesterday, it seemed, the snow
Lay on our gardens a white death
Or flew a sheeted shivering wraith,
And brooks refused to talk or flow;
We walked not then by sight, but faith
With looks above, yet feet below.
But here the birds like flowers are winging,
And there the flowers like birds seem singing.
God give us all the better choice
That ours may be the Mary's part,
Who learnt where every life must start
And blossomed at the Saviour's Voice;
God grant us springtide in the heart,
To bud and open and rejoice.
O may our love and life be vernal,
A Paradise of green eternal.