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‘Kingdoms and Bodies, whose Societies.
‘Like Members, with each others sympathize:
‘The Parts contribute to support the Whole,
‘Congratulate its Wealth, its Wants condole.
‘He, who these mutual Offices denies,
‘Deprives himself (in Need) of just Supplies.
‘The Prince's Treas'ry, like the Stomach, shows
‘To which, tho' still the Peoples Tribute, flows;
‘'Tis thence (improv'd by good Digestion) sent
‘To ev'ry Member, for its Nourishment:
‘And they, who scruple to provide the Food,
‘Must want themselves the Circulating Blood.
‘So the kind Sun do's to the Earth retail
‘The Vapours, which his Beams from thence exhale:
‘When rarify'd, he showr's 'em back again,
‘In wholsom Dews, and fructifying Rain:
‘But shou'd the Earth those Subsidies with-hold,
‘No fatt'ning Moisture wou'd refresh the Mould.