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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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[The First Part]


God's glorie heavens declair, the skyes
His handie work delate.


Day speeks to day, and night to night
Doth knowledge intimate.


Heard everie where their language is,
Where speech or tongue is known.


Throughout the earth their line, their words
Through all the world ar gone.


Thair for the sun a tent hee sett,
Which to his task steps out
From his bed chamber, bridgroome-like,
And as a Campion stout,
Joyes, readie to renew his race,


The outmost ends of heaven
Whose course begin and compasse close,
Whence heat to all is givin.

The Second Part.


God's law is perfite, leading home
The soule self-lost which lyes.
His Testimoney's firme and sure,
The simple making wise.


The statuts of the Lord rejoyce
The heart, for they are right.
His precepts pure the darkest eyes
Illuminat with light.



The fear of God is vndefil'd,
And doth endure for ay.
The judgments of the Lord are true,
And righteous everie way.


Much more to be desyrd then gold,
Then much fine gold they are.
The honey and the honey-combe
They passe in sweetnes far.


By them thy servant (watchfull made),
Is warn'd of dangers deep.
Exceeding great is their reward
Them carefullie who keep.


His errours who can vnderstand?
From close sins cleanse thow me;


O keep thy servant back from such
As of presumption be.
Their strong dominion over me
Destroy; their strength abate;
So shall I cleane and innocent
Be, from transgression great.


O let my words, my hart's hid thoughts,
Acceptable appear
Before thy face. O Lord, my Rock,
And my Redeemer deare.