University of Virginia Library


Over and over I read the dear letters—
Letters so freighted with hope and with joy;
Breathings of hope from a heart in love's fetters,
Whisperings such only as love could employ.
Pleas for sustenance through life's changing phazes,
Brought from the deepest recess of the soul;
Hopings of happiness in love's embrace,
When from our love's sky the clouds should all roll.


Bright were the moments those words had been uttered—
Happy the hearts in each other's entwine;
Holy vows plighted, the while our hearts fluttered,
Plighted devotion till life should decline.
Ah! but the tempter has entered my Eden,
Plucking the flowers 'twas dearest to me;
Out of my life all the joy has receded,
Lost like a ship on the restless blue sea.
Changed is the heart that I trusted and cherished—
Gone is the anchor of hope from my heart;
Wrecked on life's rocks all my sweet joy has perished;
Henceforth forever our lives lie apart.
False is the eye at whose glance my heart bounded,
False are the lips that were pressed to my own;
False were the echoing notes that had sounded,
Like richest music in his voice's tone.