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Concerning the second pointe.

Captaine Baylie confessed yt Sr George Sum̃ers had a brother called
Nicholas Summers, wch Nicho: Sum̃ers had ·2· sonns: Nicho: Sum-
mers the elder, and Mathewe Sum̃ers the younger to wch Mathew, they
say Sr George Som̃ers his intent and purpose was, that all his land
and estate should discend, and to that effect they produced the Copie
of Sr George Sum̃ers his will, but neithr vnder Seale of the office or
any Notaries hand, this will they say was made before Sr Geo: Sum̃-
ers went to Virginia, & neither of the brothers Executor, in this will
they shewed a clause to this purpose, yt Sr George Sum̃ers bequeathed
a crtaine Porc̃on of land & 100li in money to his Nephew Nicholas
Sum̃ers vpon Condic̃on yt ye said Nicho: ∥Sum̃ers∥ [212] should


release vnto his brother Mathewe all manner of right and Title that
the said Nicholas Could or might pretend to certain Manors and other
landℯ of Sr George Som̃ers in certaine Villages in dorsett shire there
p̱ticulrly sett downe and this they say the said Nicholas did performe
and made vnto his brother Mathewe a release and assignement of all
the landℯ discended or discendable vnto him by Sr George Som̃ers by
vertue whereof they challenge the Landℯ in Virginia and say they can
p̳duce the release and assignemt: of Nicholas vnto Mathew drawne by
a lawyer and engrossed this Nicholas they confesse to be yet alive.[788]


The rest of this page 212 is, in the original, without writing.