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Sec. 19-20. Curfew.

Except as provided in section 19-37.1, it shall be unlawful
for any person under the age of fifteen years to be in or upon
the streets or public parks of the city after 9:15 P. M., unless
accompanied by and in the care of his guardian or parent, or
some other adult with the consent of his parent or guardian,
or unless actually executing an emergency errand upon which
he has been sent by his parent or guardian, or unless such
person be employed in business and his employment makes it
necessary for him to be upon the streets of the city during the
nighttime after the specified hour.

It shall be unlawful for any parent or guardian having the
legal custody of any child under fifteen years of age to allow
or permit any such child or ward under such age to go or be
in or upon any street or public park in violation of the provisions
of this section. (Code 1959, § 19-20.)