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Hymn 5.

Shepherd of Israel, hear
Our supplicating cry,
And gather in the souls sincere,
That from their brethren fly;
Scatter'd through devious ways
Collect Thy feeble flock,
And join by Thine atoning grace,
And hide them in the Rock.
Thou every simple heart
With pity dost behold:
Ah! bring again whom Satan's art
Hath sever'd from the fold;
The souls far off removed,
Whose burden still we bear,
Ah! give them back so dearly loved,
To faith's almighty prayer.


We steadfastly believe
Such power belongs to Thee,
Thou canst the lawful prey retrieve,
And set the captives free,
Canst bring the wanderers back,
So perfectly restore,
That Satan never more shall shake,
Shall never touch them more.
O wouldst Thou end the storm,
That keeps us still apart;
The thing impossible perform,
And make us of one heart,
One spirit, and one mind,
The same that was in Thee;
O might we all again be join'd
In perfect charity.
Jesu, at Thy command,
We know it shall be done:
Take the two sticks into Thy hand,
The two shall then be one;
One body, and one fold,
We then shall sweetly prove,
And live in Thee, like those of old,
The life of spotless love.
God of all power, and grace,
Set up Thy bloody sign,
And gather those, that seek Thy face,
And by Thy Spirit join:
Thy few remaining sheep
In Britain's pastures bred,
United to each other keep,
United to their Head.


The soul transforming word
In us, even us fulfil:
Join to Thyself, our common Lord,
And all Thy servants seal;
Confer the grace unknown,
The mystic charity:
As Thou art with Thy Father one,
Unite us all in Thee.
So shall the world believe
Our record, Lord, and Thine,
And Thee with thankful hearts receive
The Messenger Divine,
Sent from His throne above,
To Adam's offspring given,
To join, and perfect us in love,
And take us all to heaven.