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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes
4 occurrences of psalter
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4 occurrences of psalter
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Psalme. XCIII.

The Argument.

This praith in faith: when stormes aryse: in trust of helpe full sure:
But here in raigne: is Christ bewrayde: and how his church shall dure.

Dominus regnauit decorem.


The Lord is kyng: in hys aray: the Lord is clad wyth strength,
He girt hymselfe: the world is sure: it cannot reele at length.


Thy throne is strong: prepared sure: from tyme all out of mynde
Thou art that art: all durably: which neuer ende shalt fynde.


The flouds haue lift: aloft O Lord: the fluds haue lift their voyce:
The stremes surge: wyth griesly waues: thy foes to hie reioyce.


But far aboue: all rage of fluds: or dreadfull stormes of sea:
Doth God surmount: more excellent: hys enmies all to slea.


Thy worde is sure: thy testament: is tryed in all assayes:
All holines: doth decke thy house: O Lord for yeares and dayes.