University of Virginia Library



[The morning hour the sun beguiles]

The morning hour the sun beguiles
With glorys brightly blooming
The flower & summer meet in smiles
& so Ive met with woman
But suns must set with dewy eve
& leave the scene deserted
& flowers must with the summer leave
So I & Mary parted
O Mary I did meet thy smile
When passion was discreetest
& thou didst win my heart the while
When woman seemed the sweetest
When joys were felt that cannot speak
& memory cannot smother
When loves first beauty flushed thy cheek
More sweet then any other
Those eyes that then my passion blest
That burned in loves expression
That bosom where I then could rest
& now have no possession
These waken still in memory
Sad ceasless thoughts about thee
That say how blest Ive been with thee
& how I am without thee