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On hearing a Lady sing Prior's Alexis.
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On hearing a Lady sing Prior's Alexis.


When Philly sings these tender Strains,
Such magic Airs the Notes improve,
I languish with the Shepherd's Pains,
And kindle at another's Love.


Some from a sweet bewitching Eye,
Receive the gaily fatal Dart;
Their Cupid's Arrows I defy,
'Tis Musick only strikes my Heart.


But when soft Strains, and Beauty's Charms,
Harmoniously to wound, conspire;
A double Stroke my Breast disarms,
And breathing Musick blows the Fire.



Such is charming Philly's Power,
Enchanting Smiles, enchanting Sound!
That were we from her Eyes secure,
Her Voice, with latent Force would wound.


Thus when keen Light'nings gild the Skies,
The Trav'ler shakes with holy Dread;
Trembles as the Flashes rise,
Nor sees the Bolt that strikes him dead.


So soft! so sweet the Charmer sings,
Each yielding Thought the Strains controul.
But Love—and Love from Music springs,
That sooths, with piercing Sounds, the Soul.



But would the powerful Charmer try
This Token of her Art to prove,
To melt me first with Harmony,
Then make me such as she can love!