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De sancta Maria Magdalene
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De sancta Maria Magdalene

Seinte Marie Magdaleine þat God forȝaf hure sunne
Lazares suster and Martha icome of kinges kun[n]e
Magdaleine heo was icluped þis holy womman Marie
For heo was of þe castel of Magdail to mile fram Betanie


Biside þe boru of Ierusalem hure moder het Eukarie
Sirus was hure uader ihote loþ me were to lye
In þe castel of Magdail þis þre[o] children were ibore
As hore eritage alle þere þen castel hi hulde þereuore
Þis Marie Magdalein fair womman was wiþ alle
Þere uore in sunne of lecherie þe watloker heo gan falle
Iwrite it is þat heo was iwedded sein Ion þewangelist
Ac atte bigynnyng of þe brudale oure Louerd Iesu Crist
Clupede sein Ion and ladde him forþ for he was clene maide
Ac þer wiþ Marie Magdalein oure Louerd wel uuele paide
For þat he bynom hure spouse sori he[o] was and wroþ
He[o] was fair and iolif ek þeruore he[o] swor hure oþ
Wanne hure spouse hure was bino[m]e worse he wolde ontake
Of folie he[o] wolde habbe inou & none men forsake
He[o] werþ womman of mest folie þat mai come in munde
He[o] ne forsok þe meste wrecche so hei he[o] was of kunde
So muche fol heo was of hure sulue þat wonder it is wiþ alle
Þat þe eorþe hure miȝte bere þat he[o] nadde into helle iualle
Þe sunne one of lecherie he[o] nadde noȝt ido
Ac of alle þe seue heued sunnes he[o] was fol also
Hure sunnen were so wide couþ & þer of so gret fame
Þat me clupede hure oueral þe sunfol & non oþer name
Sunfol he[o] was so wide icluped þat men hadde nei forȝute
Hure oþer name wat he[o] het as it is of hure iwrite
So ioiuol he[o] was of hure folie þat he[o] newilnede no part þo


Of hure eritage ne hure broþer La[z]er noþemo
For he was riche kniȝt inou þeruore boþe hi toke
Hare soster Martha hore eritage & nolde enes þerto loke
Martha was ȝep wiþ alle wis and swiþe queinte
Þeruore he[o] hadde god inou & riche was in eche pointe
Þis Marie Magdalein þat so sunfol was
In Simondes hous þe leprous to oure Louerd com bicas
And woss is fet wiþ hure teres & wipede wiþ hure here
For hure sunnes he bad so þat oure Louerd forȝef hom þere
And caste out of hure seue deuellen as it iwrite is
Þat were þe seue heued sunnes þat he binom hure iwis
So repentant he[o] was of hure sunnes as oure Louerd hure ȝaf grace
Þat hi were clanliche forȝiue ar heo ȝeode out of þe place
Al hure heorte & al hure loue he[o] dude to oure Louerdes lore
Neuere creatur ich wene ne louede oure Louerd more
Anon so oure Louerd was iwend up to heuene an hei
Þeos Marie so sori was þat he[o] namore him ne sei
For þe grete loue þat heo hadde to him he[o] neþoȝte man yse
Neuere eft so sone so heo miȝte wiþ manssipe one be
Þeruore hure broþer and hure soster as heo made attelaste
Alle þreo ssolde al hore god atte apostles fet it caste
And sede hi wolde al þan world clanliche forsake
And in wildernesse ech inis side to Iesu hore herte take
And naþeles þoru þe apostles rede wiþ ȝam longe hi were
And prechede forþ wiþ hom and oþer men to lere
After þat God to heuene wende in þe fourteþe ȝere
And seinte Steuene ymartred was & men þat holi were
And sein Poul turnde to Cristendom and prechede aboute uaste


Þe Giwes were wiþ þe apostles wroþe & in gret wraþþe out hom caste
Of þe lond of Iude þat hi ne moste among hom be[o]
Þe apostles euerich inis side to oþer londes gonne fle[o]
Marie Magdalein and hure broþer and hure soster also
And of Godes deciples moni ek in a ssip let hom do
And wende hom forþ in þe se wiþoute mariner
Hom ne roȝte weþer oure Louerd hom sende uer ne ner
Þe water hom drof up and doun aboute mani o mile
So þat hi come as God wolde to þe lond of Marcile
Þere hi ȝeode up and doun and miȝte non in iwynne
A uorlete hous wiþoute toun hi fonde and leie þerinne
Þer inne hy wonede in miseise in honger and oþer wo
To wite þe maner of þe lond among me hi wolde go
So þat hi seie a day þat folk to sacrefice gon
Marie was hardiost aȝen hom he[o] wende anon
He[o] gan to speke aȝen hore lawe so uair reson and god
Þat non ne couþe hure ȝiue answere ac as gidi echmon stod
Gret wonder þoȝte euerich mon þat so uair creature
So wislich spak & so wel echmon to hure
So þat þe king com of þe lond and þe quene also
A day to hore maumes þare hore sacrefise to do
Ȝif hi wolde hom sende eni child for togadere hi were longe
And no child nemiȝte neuere bitwene hom auonge
Marie iseie hom þat hi hadde hore sacrefise ibroȝt
He[o] prechede and sede hom to soþe þat it neha[l]p hom riȝt noȝt
Þat hore maumes poer nadde no child hom to sende
So þat hi bileuede hore sacrefise and wende hom attenende
In gret care bileuede atom as hi hadde er ido longe
For hi no child ne non eir bitwene hom nemiȝte auonge


As þis quene slep a niȝt Marie to hure wende
Seie he[o] sede hou take ȝe on wiþ god þat God ȝou sende
Wanne ȝe habbeþ so muche god þat ȝe nute ware it do
And we deieþ for chile ney and for honger also
Bote þou make þin hosebonde þat he us helpe þere
Mi Louerd him wole such drinke ȝiue þat he ne uorȝit it to ȝere
Þo þe quene awok of slepe he[o] made dreri chere
Telle he[o] wolde [hire] louerd fore ac he[o] ne dorste for fere
Þe oþer niȝt he[o] com also and þretenede ȝute more
Ne dorste þis leuedi hure louerd telle ac lay and siȝte sore
Þe þridde niȝt he com to hure and to hure louerd also
Berninge as þei al þat hous afure were ido
Wat doste heo sede þou deueles lime tirant þou foule wiȝt
Bi þe neddre þi wif þou slepst and list allonge niȝt
And lest us suffri wo for chile and for honger more
And lest us deie for miseise þou it sselt abugge wel sore
Þo þis prince awok of slepe and is leuedi also
Þe leuedi esste were he hurde þe uois þat com him to
Ich it hurde quaþ þe prince and þer of sore ich drede
Al þis þreo niȝt it com to me and also þe leuedi sede
Betere is þat we to hom loke and som god hom lede
Þanne come in oure Louerdes wraþþe for þat nolde ich noȝt rede
Amorwe þis prince and is wif to þis holy womman wende
And largeliche mete and drinke and cloþinge hom sende
Marie Magdalein [] was baldost of echon
Heo prechede þe prince and is wif of god lawe anon
Þo he[o] hom hadde muche itold of þe ioie of heuene blis
Womman quaþ þe prince þo woltou waranti al þis
Ich it wole waranti quaþ Marie and muche more iwis


Þoru Petres lore oure maister þat pope of Rome is
We wolleþ do þi lore quaþ þe prince þe wile we beoþ aliue
Ȝif þou us miȝt wynne a child bitwene me and mi wyue
Nou non quaþ þis Marie ne derstou bote be[o] stille
Ichelle þoru Petres lore mi maister do þi wille
Marie bad oure Louerd for hom ac for noȝt it nas
For oure Louerd hurde hure bone þe quene wiþ childe was
Anon so þe king to soþe weste to Marie he wende
And þonkede hure of þat oure Louerd þoru hure bone hom sende
Ne þonkeþ me noȝt quaþ Marie noþing of þis dede
Ac þonkeþ Peter oure maister for ich do al bi is rede
Certes quaþ þe prince þo i ne worþe neuere vawe
Ar ich habbe at Peter ibe[o] to leorni of is lawe
To is wif he wend anon dame ichelle he sede
In alle manere to Peter wende he ssel me bet rede
Certes sire quaþ þis wif þou ne sselt noȝt fram me wende
Þat inelle þe siwy uot wiþ uot sende wat God me sende
Dame quaþ þe oþer þou spext folie þi red is wel wilde
Þou miȝtest adrenche in þe se noste þou ert mid childe
Þis gode wif fel to hure louerdes fet wepinge wel sore
Ichelle he[o] sede wiþ þe wende þe[ȝ] i necome aȝe namore
Þo þis prince isei þat is wif nolde fram him bileue
To Marie hi wende boþe þat he[o] hom red ȝeue
Hi toke hure to wardi al hore god forte hi aȝen come
Þat he[o] dude þerwiþ wat he[o] wolde & god ȝeme þerto nome
Marie sette a uair crois bihinde hore ssoldre beie
Þat þe deuel nadde no poer to greue hom bi þe weie
Forþ him wende þis gode prince and is wif also
Anon so hi come to þe se in ssipe hi lete hom do
Þo hi come ver in þe se gret tempest þer com
And hi dradde forto adrenche gret del ech to oþer nom
Þis gode wif was sore adrad þat for angwise & fere


Child he[o] hadde in þe se wel ar hure time were
And for defaute of womman help þat non nei hure nere
And gret angwise and drede he[o] deide riȝt þere
Alas þe grete deol þat hure louerd made þo þereuore
Louerd he sede nou ich habbe mi worles blisse forlore
Wat sholde he[o] Louerd here ded inot ware hure burie
Ȝif it were atom to luþer won me þincþ it were murie
Þat child for defaute of souke lay and wep wel sore
Þat brak almest þe fader heorte alas noþing more
Louerd he sede wy wilnede ich child habbe by mi wiue
Wanne ich habbe ilore wif and child alas myne lyue
Þe mariners wolde þis womman in þe se caste
For þe se nel bere no ded þing laste hi dreinte attelaste
Þo gan þe man piteisliche merci crie and grede
Ne bringeþ me in namore wo for loue of God he sede
Ne sseltou noȝt quaþ þe mariners on us crie and grone
Þat he[o] ne ssel raþer in þe se þanne we adrenche echone
A merci quaþ þis godeman par auenture he[o] is iswowe
Abideþ forte ȝe seo þat soþe me sucþ such cas inowe
Þe ssipmen wolde caste hure in and nolde noleng abide
Þis godeman ȝal and isei a grete roche biside
Habbeþ reuþe he sede of mi lif and leggeþ hure ȝend aboue
Þat fisses todrawe hure noȝt ich bidde for Godes loue
He cride ȝeorne on þis ssipmen and gret mede hom ȝaf also
Ar hi wolde þis dede caroine up þis roche do
Þo was þis roche aboue brod and wiþinne a gret slidde
Þis selimon nom is wif and leide hure amidde
Þat chil[d] wep for defaute of souke and nolde neuere bileue
He leide it to is moder breste mid a mantel he gan it weue


Marie Magdalein he sede wy ȝeue þou me such red
Þou seidest mi wif ssolde habbe child & noȝt þeruore be[o] ded
Þou bihete me boþe wif & child & noþer nabbe ich nou
For wanne þe moder liþ & roteþ of þe child is lite prou
Þe God of wam þou me telst ich biteche hure and þe
Boþe þe moder and þe child þat ȝe habbe reuþe of me
And merci of þe moder soule & ȝif it miȝte so be[o]
Þat ȝe þat child aliue weste þat ich miȝte ise[o]
He custe ofte wif & child & biclupte & loude cride
Deoluoliche he wende uorþ þo þe ssipmen nolde abide
He wend toward seinte Peter as Marie him sende
He com and mette him in þe wei as he toward him wende
Seinte Peter isei þe crois inis ssuldre as hi stode
He esste him sone wat he were for he þoȝte of gode
Þis godeman tolde him al þat cas fram gynnynge to þan ende
Hou Marie Magdalein made him þuder wende
And hou he hopede habbe a child and hou it was ibore
And hou he hadde in oure Louerdes wei moder & child forlore
Ȝe godeman quaþ seinte Peter wel þou hast ido
Ihered be[o] God þat ȝaf þe wit & þat þe hider sende also
Þei þou be[o] in a lite sor ne care þou of none þinge
For mi Louerd haþ wel þe miȝte þerof þe sone to bringe
So þat he comfortede him wel þat God was god and hende
And þat he wolde in grete neode watlocst bote sende
He taȝte him þe lawe of Cristendom & ladde him aboute is fere
To eche stude þat he was on þe wile he was an eorþe here
To þe boru of Ierusalem & of Caluarie also
Þere as oure Louerd Iesu Crist to deþe was ido
And þere as he prechede ek and to heuene gan stie
And þere as he was ibore ek of is moder Marie


To ȝer he was wiþ him þer to leorny of þe lawe
Þe þridde ȝer he nom is leue & gan aȝenward drawe
Euere he bad for is wiues soule & for is ȝonge child is also
And þat he moste come to þulke stude þat hi were on ido
So þat he spak wiþ þe mariners þat hi ladde him þer ney
He bihuld upward toward þe roche a ȝong child he isey
Sitte and pleie wiþ smale stones upe þe roche anhey
Wiþ gret ioie þis godeman after þis child stei
Þo þe child isei him come he atorn for fere
For he nadde neuere er mon iseie he nuste wat men were
He starte to is moder breste & biclupte hure wel uaste
And wiþ þe mantel helede him þat þe fader up hure caste
Þis godeman starte to anon and is ȝonge sone drou
Fram þe moder breste as he sek wiþ ioie & blisse inou
And custe him and bar up and doun wiþ wel ioiuol chere
Þe moder he clupte & custe uaste ded al þei he[o] were
Marie he sede Magdalein ich bidde þe milce & ore
Fair miracle þou hast ido nas neuere iseie more
Þou hast mi child moderles þus ȝare forþ ibroȝt
In þis wilde stude upe þe se þat it nis ipeired noȝt
Wanne þou me hast in gret gla[d]nesse of him one ido
Glade me ȝif it is þi wille of þe moder also
Þat þis child nebe[o] nou forlore þat þou hast iued so longe
And þat of my wif forþ wiþ him gladnesse ich mot auonge
Þo breþede þis wif a lite and suþþe he[o] gan to loke
And sat up and lokede aboute as þei he[o] of slepe awoke
Marie he[o] sede Magdalein myn hosewif þou hast ibe[o]
And in muche trauail me ysaued as me may here ise[o]
Wide þou hast mid me igon wel raþe þou come me to


Suþþe þou me hast nesse ived mi child & me also
Leue spouse quaþ þis man ssel ich þe aliue yse[o]
Ȝe certes quaþ þis godewif wiþ þe ich habbe ibe[o]
Fram pilrenage to seinte Peter ich come nou ferst wiþ þe
And Marie ek Magdaleine þat ȝeode riȝt nouþe fram me
For in trauail of childe þo ich was wel sone to me he[o] com
And halp me þer of as a womman ssolde & forþ wiþ hure me nom
And ladde me to seinte Peter for boþe we were þere
And hurde is prechinge and siwede ȝou ech stude þere ȝe were
Heo rekenede hure louerd euerich stude þat seinte Peter and he
Hadde isoȝt & wuche tyme in eche stude hadde ibe
And al þat hi hadde togadere itold in wuche stude & wanne
Heo miȝte wel wanne heo hurde al & wiþ hom was þanne
We habbeþ ibe[o] quaþ þis godewif to longe in folie
Ihered be[o] Iesu þat us sende þis gode womman Marie
Wende we uorþ and þonke Marie of þat us haþ biualle
And þat he bringe to Cristendom oure men & oure frendes alle
Hi wende forþ to hore contreie & þo hi þuder come
Hy fonde Marie stonde & preche as heo was iwond ilome
To hure uet hi fulle adoun and þonkede hure uaste anon
Of þe uaire miracle þat he dude þo hi were fram hure agon
Hi tolde biuore al þat folk þe cas þat God hom sende
And al þat hom biualle was suþþe hi fram home wende
Þer was ioie and blisse inou among þis men alle
Of hore louerd þat was hom icome & of þat him was biualle


And of hore ȝonge louerd bi eritage is sone þat he hom broȝte
Of þe uaire miracle þat oure Louerd for Marie wroȝte
Hi turnde anon to Cristendom alle þat þer ney were
And ech contreie after oþer as Marie ham gan lere
So longe as al þat lond auenge Cristendom
Marie wende forþ anon and is felawes wiþ hure nom
And caste adoun þe sinagoges þat in þe londe were
And in eche stude þer hi stode a churche he[o] let rere
Sein Lasar þe bissop made in þe hexte stude þere
And sein Maximin eles were þat folk forto lere
At eche churche hy sette a preost as we doþ ȝute here
So þat Cristendom stable was þoru Marie & hure uere
Þo he[o] hadde al þat lond iturnd for noþing nemiȝte he[o] more
Men yse[o] neney hom be[o] for mornynge ne for sore
Þat he[o] nemiȝte oure Louerd ise[o] hure lond he[o] forsok
And eorþlich lif and mete & drynke & to Godes grace al tok
At hore departinge was deol inou & naþeles forþ he[o] wende
Wel ver into a wildernesse as oure Louerd hure grace sende
Angles hure ladde in a stude þer nas no frut ne gras
Ne tre[o] ne weod ne more noþer þat eorþliche was
Bote þe eorþe bar and harde stones for it ssolde be[o] ysene
Þat he[o] nadde non eorþlich sustenance ne noman miswene
Þritti ȝer he[o] liuede so wiþoute mete and cloþ
Þat he[o] ne sei man ne best ne fowel [] wel he[o] huld hure oþ
Euerich day seue siþe angles fram heuene come


At eche tyme atte seue tiden & þis holy þing up nome
Into þe eir fram þe eorþe anhei & þere hure helde longe
And vedde hure wiþ seruise of heuene & wiþ murie songe
Wan he[o] was ene so ifuld þoru grace þat God hure sende
Þe angles hure bere softe adoun and aȝen to heuene wende
Þo he[o] hadde iliued so þritti ȝer as oure Louerdes wille was
A prest þat louede wildernesse þere uorþ com bicas
Holyman he was wiþ alle & þe wildernesse he soȝte
To do penance for Godes loue þat him so deore aboȝte
So þat he com bi þulke stude þer þis holy womman lay
Him wondrede of þe grete liȝte þat he þere [i]say
So þat he sei as God it wolde angles þis womman vette
And huld hure longe in þe eir anhei & efsone adon sette
Þis prest bigan to steppe uorþ þe þruȝt of a ston
Wille he hadde ver to go ac miȝte nadde he non
Ac is limes wolde vnder him wan he wolde go hure ner
Aȝenward he miȝte go fol wel ac ner hure for no poer
Him þoȝte þat þer miȝte of heuene som priuete þer be[o]
Þat it nas none mannes riȝte þer come ne it nese[o]
Þou þat list in þulke putte he sede ich halsni þe
Ȝif þou ert a God half þat þou speke wiþ me
Þulke halsinge he sede þrie þat hurde he a uois þat sede
Ȝif þou wolt iwite com her ner nedar þe noþing drede
Þe preost aros and ȝeode half wei ac he nedorste go to ney
Þo hurde he þis uois efsone ac no forme he nesey
Wolte iwite he[o] sede wat ich am hastou oȝt ihurd telle
Of þe sunful womman þat was so couþ as it seiþ in þe gospelle


Ȝe certes quaþ þis preost wel þritti ȝer it is
Þat me haþ irad þulke gospel in Holi Churche iwis
Ich am þulke quaþ Marie þat specþ here mid þe
Þritti ȝer nesei ich mon ne nomon ich wene me
Þe angles me vedeþ seue siþe adai as þou iseie
Nou ich mot hanne sone wende and here an eorþe deie
Þeruore seie mi felawe uore þe bissop Maximin
Þat ich am ȝut aliue her ac ich am al atte fin
And bidde him at midniȝt gon to is matins alone
And he me ssel vinde at is weued womman in fleiss & bone
Þis preost was glad of þat he hurde ac noþing iseo he nemiȝte
Mon ne woman bote þat liȝt þat ssinde þere so briȝte
He wende and tolde þe bissop fore as Marie him sede
Glad was þe bissop of þe word & dude as hi him bede
At midniȝt he aros al one into þe chancel he wende
To matins as it was is wone þe taperes i vond itende
Atte heie weued Marie he fond þat was wile is felawe
Þat hadde longe fram him ibe[o] boþe hi were wel fawe
Angles hure bere up anhei fram þe eorþe a god place
Vpriȝt so bitwene hore honde to bidde oure Louerdes grace
He[o] held hure honden and loked ek to heuene up anhei
Ne dorste þe bissop nei hure come þo he þe miracle isey
Þo spak þis gode holy þing leoue uader he[o] sede
Com ner me ne fle[o] noȝt þi doȝter wer of hastou drede
Leoue fader nam ich þi doȝter þou ne seie me moni a ȝer
Mi Louerd wole sende after me & ichelle speke wiþ þe er
Gret wel Martha mi leoue soster þat sone ssel hure lif ende
And ȝif me sone my Louerdes fleiss for ich mot henne wende
Þe bissop aros and ȝeode ner þo þoȝte him bet he miȝte


Biholde þe sonne þanne hure face him þoȝte heo ssynde so briȝte
Aboute him is clerkes come anon as is was oure Louerdes wille
Atte heie weued Marie aliȝte adoun & lay tosprad wel stille
Oure swete Louerdes fleiss & blod þis gode bissop hure broȝte
Sore wepinge he[o] it aueng wiþ gode heorte & þoȝte
And sat akne[o] touore þe auter & to heuene caste hure eiȝe
And cride on God & lai adoun & wel softe gan to deie
Þis bissop & þis clerkes toke þis holy womman sone
And dude seruise of Holy Churche þat in such cas was to done
Nou seinte Marie Magdalein þat broȝte hure lif þus to ende
Bidde God þat we mote wiþ hure to þe ioie of heuene wende