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The Glory of Divine Truth.
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The Glory of Divine Truth.

But stay thou fleeting Century, thy stone
Shall grinde the glory, till it shine,
Of Scripture truth, things former shone,
But fall within thy line.
The golden Image still hath feet to make
Thy Forge doth sweat, thy Billows play,
Thy Artists welding heats do shape
These toes of iron and Clay.
The little Horn after the ten must bud,
Thou Curricombst the Beast so well
The nut thereof is felt to knub
Now in the Flesh and Fell.
The Light of Sun and moon and Stars must pinke.
These litterally do so, you see.
These Mystick are befogd and blinck
These Civill tooke, dim bee.
The Beasts greate deadly wound a Cure must have.
All Pothecaries pestills sound,
All Doctors, Plaster, seeke to save
And heale his Deadly wound.


The Beast must by the scarlet Whore rid bee,
Hence Harnace fit and Ornament
That fit the Beast and do agree
With her in all intents.
A Bridle must be had and Saddle made
Soft for his back and for her Britch,
With stirrups, Girts and Cruppers, laid
On saddle Cloath all rich.
Purple and scarlet too the Drab must ware
All deckt in gold and pretious stone,
And Costly pearles rich, choice and fair,
She must indeed put on.
And in her hand to hold a golden cup
Filld with abominable things
And Filthiness whereof to sup
She makes her mighty Kings.
Hence all trades busy are and operate.
The saddlers make the saddle fit,
The Goldsmiths wire draw their plate
To stirrup and buckle it.
Hence all Looms filld with twine to weave this Web
Are knocking of the thrids together
And Taylors making do imbed
The robes with golden teather.
The Gold and Pearls and Gems and Cup of Gold
Kings feather do her nest withall
Th'Abominations her Cup holds
Priests in it let to fall.
Pope Symmachus his spirits in it stills.
Thus that the Clergy marry not,
Vows of Virginity he wills
Shall make a lasting knot.
That Gloria in Excelsis be sung out
Upon Saints birthdayes in his sphere,
He squeezd his brains wrung like a Clout
Till th'Mass plumpt in it were.


He pounds his Crab, and prest its verjuyce thence
Till Purgatory liquor came
And Deacon Paschase must commence
In't, hanselling the same.
Felix the fourth doth make his dream in't boyle
That Mass in places Consecrate
Be onely usd and holy Oyle
Annoint the Dying waite.
He gives decree, Church-Wakes, with Saints birth dayes
He Celebrated once a yeare
He preaching of the word delayes
Such drops from him appear.
Pope Boniface the second brings his dram
Decrees that Bishops Chafer bee
Alone by Clergy men: doth damn
Who make the Church a fee.
Agapetas Sabbath Procession raisd
Vigelius Praying to'ards the east
Pelagius Primacy out Phrasd
These Goosb'ries in it presst.
Greg'ry the Greate the Juice of Workes wrings out
And merits drops into it, he
Makes Pray'rs to Saints and Angels spoute
Into this Cup their fee.
One and another taks such nick nacks fine
Images, Altars, Crosses, Vest
Surplices, Banners, Cups that shine
Masses and Censars drest
Oyle, Holy Water, Pomp, Wax candle-Light
Masses for Quick and Dead more ore
Guilt Churches and Monasteries hight
Lies, Fatted, plump greate store,
And such like things this Century doth press
Their spirits out and put them in
This golden Cup, as wine, yet dress
It not up to the brim.


Thus doth Prophetick truth beam round about
Through this darke and soure Century
While she the woman decks throughout
To get on Cockhorse high.