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The Poems of John Byrom

Edited by Adolphus William Ward

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[This Phrase of “Riches built on high”]

“Cedes coëmptis saltibus, et domo;
Villâque, flavus quam Tiberis lavit,
Cedes; et exstructis in altum
Divitiis potietur heres.
Lib. ii. Od. 3, vv. 17–20.

You shall leave your purchased lawns, and your house; you shall retire from the villa, which is washed by the yellow Tiber; and an heir shall enjoy your riches high piled up.”


This Phrase of “Riches built on high”
Has something in it, at first Sight,
Which, if the Latin Language try,
Must needs appear not to be right.


Produce an Instance, where before
'Twas ever us'd,—I'll say no more!


Talk not of “Riches pil'd on Heaps,”
To justify the Latin Phrase;
For if you take such critic Leaps,
You jump into Dog-Latin Days;
And I shall answer to that Trick:
In meâ mente non est sic.”


That “Lands” were here the Poet's Thought,
And “House along the River's Side,”
And “lofty Villa,” built or bought,
Is much too plain to be denied.
These “high-extructed Spires” he writ
That mortal Dellius must quit.


“Well, Sir, supposing this the Case,
“And ‘Structures’ what the Poet meant:
“How will you fill the faulty Place
“With Phrase that suited his Intent;
“Meaning and Metre both arrange,
“And small, if possible, the Change?”



Smaller and better, to be sure,
Into their Place Amendments fall;
What first occurs will here secure
Meaning and Meter, Change and all.
May it not be that for “Divitiis
Th' Original had “Æ-dificiis?


If you object that sep'rate “Æ
Makes in one Word an odd Division,
Horace, I answer to that Plea,
Has more than once the like Elision.
In short, upon Correction's Plan,
Give us a better, if you can.