University of Virginia Library

Psalme. XCII.

The Argument.

Of sabboth day (the solemne) feast: doth vs excyte by rest:
Gods mighty workes: that we declare: loue hym for all the best.

Bonum est confiteri.


A ioyfull thyng (to man) it is: the Lord to celebrate:
To thy good name: O God so hye: due laudes to modulate.


To preach (and shew) thy gentlenes: in early mornyng lyght,
Thy truth of worde: to testifie: all whole by length of nyght.


Upon (the psalme:) the decachord: vpon the pleasant lute:
On sounding good: sweete instruments: wt shaumes, wt harpe, wt flute


For thou hast ioyed: my fearefull hart: O Lord thy workes to see
And I with prayse: will iust reioyce: these handy workes of thee.



How glorious: O (blessed) Lord: be these the factes of thyne?
Thy thoughts be depe: thy counsayles hye: inscrutable deuyne.


The brutish man: (that is) vntaught: is nought of this beseene:
The foole as is: the carnall man? perceyueth not what it meanth.


When euill men flour: as (doth the) grasse: & wicked workers bud
Then shall they all: come downe at once: for euer drownd in mud.


But thou art hye: (full hye) aloft: as Lord and president:
For euer standst: vnmoueable: and wyse in regiment.


For lo thy foes: O Lord (so strong:) thy foes shall perishe all:
And such as worke: all wickedly: shall haue a shamefull fall.


My horne (and power) shall yet be raysd: as Unicornes is seene:
Euen now I seme: as swetely dewd: with oyle of Oliue greene.


Myne eyes (full out) theyr lust shall haue: of all my waityng spyes:
Myne eares the same: of crafty men: who vp at me dyd ryse.


The true (elect) and ryghteous man: shall florishe lyke the palme:
As Ceder tree: in Lybanus: hymselfe shall sprede wyth balme.


Depe planted they (in rootes) alway: in gods swete house to byde:
Shall florish lyke: in both the courtes: of this our God and guyde.


In age (most sure) they shall encrease: theyr fruite aboundantly:
Well likyng they: and fat shalbe: to beare most fruitfully.


That is (to say) they out shall preach: this lordes true faythfulnes:
Who is my strength: & mighty rocke: who hateth vnryghteousnes