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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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463. First Commandment. “Thou shalt have none other Gods but me.”


Multiplied are human idols!
Satan's temples spread around!
But before no form, or creature,
Must our voice, imploring, sound;
We must worship
God alone, the great profound!


On his will, we hang for being;
Through his power, each breath we draw;
All that is would instant vanish
Should he his support withdraw!
On Jehovah,
We must think with solemn awe!


He, the everlasting mountains,
With a word, from nothing brought!
He, the countless stars of heaven,
In the silence of his thought!
May we fear him as we ought!


He, our souls, at first created;
Clouds that float, and suns that glow!


He, the depths of mighty ocean;
He, the beauteous flowers that blow!
Wood and fountain,
Things above, and things below!


May we yield him adoration,
When we rise, and ere we sleep!
May we, in our inmost spirits,
His commands delight to keep!
Soon, in glory,
The rewards of grace to reap!