University of Virginia Library


or Physic for the D---l.

Lately arriv'd at Aberdeen,
A traitor and a rebel keen,
A true blue rogue, a B---k knight,
An enemy to God and right;


The sham Don Pedro of G---k---die,
The D---l came and fetch'd him inde;
With whom to H---ll in haste he posted,
There to be fri'd, and lous'd, and roasted,
And fricasseed for a ragoo
To Noll and the usurping crew,
Who ate him greedily, and then
Turn'd sick, and spu'd him up again.
These H---ll-hounds did their vomit lick up,
Which gave them a confounded hiccup.
They ate, and spu'd, and ate again,
And spu'd to their eternal pain.
The D---l seeing them so sick,
And pain'd with spuing, took a freak
To try the fine confect. Anon,
He cried, By H---ll I am undone!
I've swallowed down a worldly Elf,
Ten times more devilish than myself:
My guts with endless pains he racks,
Unless I void him in the jakes.
This viper, my dear friends, I tell ye,
Will eat his passage thro' my belly.
Alas! alas! I'm like to burst!
And, having then in haste untruss'd,
He rais'd his bum, his guts did rumble,
Downwards Don Pedro took a tumble.
Ten thousand tons of plagues he voided,
The stench was such H*ll could not bide it!
Pheu! cried the fends, to corners slinking,
G---k---die in the jakes lies stinking.
He plagued earth, and with his smell,
He's now come down to poison H---ll!