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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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Behold a ghastly Band,
Each a Torch in his Hand!


Those are Grecian Ghosts, that in Battle were slain,
And unbury'd remain,
Inglorious on the Plain.
Give the Vengeance due
To the valiant Crew.
Behold how they toss their Torches on high,
How they point to the Persian Abodes,
And glitt'ring Temples of their Hostile Gods!


The Princes applaud with a furious Joy;
And the King seiz'd a Flambeau, with Zeal to destroy;
Thais led the way,
To light him to his Prey,
And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy.