University of Virginia Library

The .cxvj. Psalme.

I loue the Lord because he heard myne humble voyce and crie:
And because he gaue eare I wyll, calle on him tyll I dye.
The cordes of death had gyrded me, & eke the straytes of hell:
Had caught me and I was fallen into daynger cruell.
But I called on the Lordes name & thus I sayde in dede:
Lorde for thy mercie delyuer, thy seruantes soule at nede.
The Lorde is full of benifites, and eke of iustice all:
And our God is right mercifull, when we do on him call.
The Lorde that vseth to defende, the sylley simple sorte:
Preserued me when I was weake, and was all my consorte.
My soule, returne into the place, of thy quiete and reste:

For the Lorde hath done good to the. euen as thou desyreste.
Thou hast plucked my soule from death, Lorde, and his cruell stynge:
So haste thou done myne eyes from teares, and my fete from slydynge.
Wherfore I wyll lyue holyly, before the Lorde I saye:
In the contreys and regions of men that lyue for aye.
My fayth and promise vnto God, I helde most constantly
Euen when I was forced to saye, I am decayed greatly.
Yea when I sayd in my swyfte chase, and when I fled in haste:
All men are false, ther is none true, or that of trueth doeth taste.
What worthy thanckes therfore shall I, geue to the Lorde saye ye:
For all the benifites that he, hath shewed vnto me?
The cup wherwyth men vse to geue thanckes for health receyued:
The same wyll I take & call on the Lordes name so blessed.
And nowe before all his people, to the Lord wyll I paye:
All vowes that I haue made to him, or else shall make for aye.

For wyth the Lorde the death of suche, as serue hym loue yngely:
Is of such price that none of them, shal suffer death vaynely.
Ah Lorde I am thy pore seruant, thy pore seruant am I:
And the sonne of thyne handmayden whoe dydeste my bondes vntie.
To the therfore I wyll confesse, and that wyth sacrifice:
And wyll call vpon the Lordes name in my most faythfull wise
Nowe before all the Lordes people, all my vowes wyll I paye:
In his courtes at Ierusalem, prayse ye the Lorde I saye.