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[Seinte Margarete was []

De sancta Margareta

Seinte Margarete was [ ] holy maide and god
Ibore he[o] was in Antioche icome of kunde blod


Teodose hure vader het heyman bi þulke dawe
Patriarch he was wel hey and maister of þe lawe
He ne biluuede noȝt in Iesu Crist for heþene he was
Margarete is ȝonge doȝter ypaid þer wiþ noȝt nas
For hure herte hure bar anon Cristene forto be[o]
Þe false godes he[o] held deuelen þat he[o] miȝte aldai ise[o]
Of seinte Steuene he[o] hurde telle and of sein Lauerence also
Hou in stronge martirdom hi were to deþe ido
And of oþer martirs ek þat þolede pine here
He[o] ne wilnede noȝt so muche as to be[o] hore yuere
Þis maide was þo hure moder deide ȝong and tendre inou
Hure fader sone it underȝet þat he[o] to Cristendom drou
He made for hure deol inou ffram home he gan hure sende
To a norise to warde wel hure herte forto wende
Viftene mile fram Antioche þis clene maide and hende
Into þe lond of Acie isend was in þe on ende
Þis clene maide was ȝong inou þo he[o] fram hom wende
Of viftene ȝer he[o] was vnneþe þo hure uader hure þuder sende
Hit was eke to hondred ȝer and four score and nine
After þat God was ibore to bringe us out of pine
Luþer was þo þe emp[er]or Dioclisian
Luþer was is felawe ek þat het Maximian
Hy destrude al Cristene men and wel wide soȝte
And wanne hi miȝte eny finde to stronge deþe hom broȝte
Iustices hi made manion þat wende alonde wide
Forto seche Cristene men and quelle in euerich side
Þe on was ihote Olibrius þat into Asie wende
To seche out þere Cristene men as þe emperor hom sende
Þis ȝonge mayde þat was þer in þe on ende of Acie
Priueliche niȝt and day in oure Louerd gan crie
Þat he sende hure studefast herte & in oure Leuedi Marie


Wiþoute fentise in hure name þe tormenes of deþe drie
Hure norise þat hure hadde in warde louede hure inou
Ac heo nas noȝt al iwar to wan hure heorte drou
Þis clene maide þat was so ȝong of fiftene ȝer vnneþe
He[o] wilnede euere to be[o] ido for oure Louerdes loue to deþe
Hure norise hure sende ofte aday wiþ hure ssep auelde
To wite ssep wiþ oþer maidens þat were of hure elde
As þis maide wiþ hure ssep a day auelde was
Þis Iustice Olibrius þeruorþ com bicas
Þis clene maide he bihuld he[o] þoȝte him uair inou
Anon riȝt in fole loue is herte to hure drou
Him longede sore after hure his men forþ he sende
And het hom þat hi hasteliche after hure wende
Ȝif he[o] were of gentil blod is wif he[o] ssolde be
And wiþ gret nobleie lede hure lif & ȝif he[o] nere noȝt fre
Bugge he wolde hure deore inou to holde hure in folie
Wiþoute spoushod is lemman in sunne of lecherie
Þo þis maide þis ysei faste he[o] gan to crie
Louerd he[o] sede ich bidde þe þat ibore were of Marie
And forto bringe us out of wo deidest on þe tre[o]
Wite mi bodi in clannesse þat it iwemmed ne be[o]
Bodi and soule ich þe bitake for þane deþ ich ise[o]
Biset ich am wiþ luþer men þat i nemay nower fle[o]
Louerd ȝif me studefast herte þen deþ forto auonge
Þat ich þer fram ne flecchi noȝt for none tormens stronge
Seinte Margarete was forþ ibroȝt tofore þe luþer Iustice
Þat þoȝte of hure is wille habbe in folie in alle wise
He bihuld þis maide faste dameisele he sede
Tel me of wam þou ert icome and of wuch kunrede
Tel me ek wat is þi name and wat lif þou dest lede
Þis maide him ȝaf answere anon wiþoute eny drede
Mi cunrede he[o] sede is so couþ it ne may noȝt be[o] ihud
Mi fader is gret man inou among ȝou here ikud


Teodose þe hexte maister þat of oure temple is
Þou askest ek wat is my name Margarete ich hote iwis
Þat is and was mi ferste name and an herre name ich nom
And Cristene womman ichelle be[o] cluped for mi Cristendom
For þat is min hexte name and þerof mest ich telle
For on Iesu Crist ich biluue & forsake him neuere ich nelle
Þo Olibrius hurde þis he was al out of rede
As he were in anoþer worlde hende maide he sede
Þe two þinges þat þou nemdest ferst bicome þe fair & swete
Þat þou be[o] come of heie blode & þou hote Margarete
Þeos to bicomeþ þe wel inou such maide noble and fre[o]
And þe þridde bicomþ þe riȝt noȝt as þou miȝt ise[o]
Þat þou honure þane false god þat Giwes slowe on þe tre[o]
Such noble maide as þou ert God ssulde þat it so nebe[o]
For such hendi body as þou berst bicome bet in boure
In min armes ligge iclupt þanne a false god honure
Þe maide him ȝaf answere anon mid wel milde mode
Sire heo sede þe luþer Giwes þat God slowe on þe rode
For hore luþer dede hi beoþ in þe pine of helle ibroȝt
And naþeles hi dude us god þei hi ne louede us noȝt
For we were þoru is deþ out of pine ibroȝt
Ac hi þat him þerto broȝte nadde noȝt so yþoȝt
Þo gan Olibrius for wraþþe wel loude crie and grede
He let nyme þis holy maide and in strong prison lede
Þat so deop was and derk þat men miȝte agrise
And wende to is false godes to do sacrefise
Amorwe he let clupie kniȝtes of þe lawe gret & wise
And sat him sulf amidde hom alle as an hei Iustice


And let vecche þis holy maide forto auonge hure dom
Biuore þis tirans mildeliche þis holy maide com
And made þe signe of þe crois & to oure Louerd al ire nom
And al prest was for is loue to auonge martirdom
Olibrius wel uaire spak and sede Margerete
Vnderstond of þi nobleie hou gent þou ert and swete
And reu on þi faire bodi þat þou ne forpere noȝt
For ichot þat þou to niȝt þe hast bet be[o]þoȝt
Cheos ȝif þou wold wiþ ssennesse to stronge deþe be[o] broȝt
Oþer honure oure heie godes þat alle þing habbeþ iwroȝt
Sire quaþ þis holy maide oure Louerd him sulf tok
Strong deþ to bringe us out of pine & worles ioie forsok
For him ichelle þane deþ auonge inabbe þerof no doute
Raþer þanne abowe adoun myn heued ȝoure false godes to aloute
Þo verde he as he witles were for wraþþe þe Iustice
So grisliche he clupede tormentors þat men miȝte agrise
Nimeþ he sede þis hore anon & hongeþ hure in a tre[o]
And todraweþ hure so uel & fleiss þat me hure gottes ise[o]
Al naked uaste bindeþ hure þat he[o] nawer ne vle[o]
Þat of hure luþer ssunfol dede oure godes awreke be[o]
Þe tormentors wel ȝare were for hore herte to uuel drou
Þe maide hy strupte naked sone & bond hure faste inou
Al fram þe eorþe hi honge hure up & leide hure on to gronde
Wiþ scorgen and kene pricken & made hure many a wonde
Al hi todrowe hure tendre vleiss þat reuþe it is to telle
Bi stremes þat blod orn adoun so water doþ of welle
For hure limes tendre were þe scorgen smart and kene


Bi peces þat fleiss fel adoun þe bones were ysene
Alas hure swete tendre body so villiche todrawe so
Alas hou miȝte enyman such dede for ruþe do
Wiþ oules hi todrowe hure wombe þe gottes isene were
Alas also þe ssendfol dede hure deorne limes hi totere
And þe Iustice for ssunnesse nolde loky þerto
Ac bihuld abac and hudde is eiȝen & moni oþere also
Þe men þat stode in þe place and al þe deol yseie
Hy made sor and deol inou & wope wiþ hore eiȝe
Maide hi sede Margarete þat so gent were & hende
Haue reuþe of þi faire bodi þat me let þus torende
For þe worþ ȝute wel inou & þou wolle þi þoȝt wende
Þe maide caste up hure eiȝe & answerede atte nende
And sede ȝe wikkede conseillers goþ fram me anon
Anoþer conseil ich habbe itake ich forsake ȝou echon
Olibrius sat and bihuld hou hure limes ourne ablode
He nemiȝte for deol it ise[o] ne monie þat þere stode
Wiþ is mantel for reuþe and deol he helede boþe is eiȝe
So dude monie anoþer ek þat hi þe del neseie
Maide sede Olibrius turn ȝute þi þoȝt ich rede
And among alle wymmen þat ich knowe best lif þou sselt lede
Beo stille quaþ þis holy maide þou luþer hond beo stille
Þou hast poer of mi body forto do þi wille
Ac mi Louerd wit mi soule wel þou nessel hure noȝt aspille
For þou nemiȝt hure wiþ al þi miȝte anuye worþ a uille
Þo þe luþer man ysei þat he nemiȝte noȝt spede
He nemiȝte [hire] for deol ise[o] so deoluoliche blede
He made hom bileue hore tormentynge & to prison lede
Forte he weste do wiþ hure as he nom to rede


Þis maide lay in prison strong wel elinge al one
Heo nuste of hure wonden to wan make hure mone
Bote angles confortede hure and adoun to hure aliȝte
He[o] was faste in orisons bidaie & eke biniȝte
Oure Louerd he[o] bad for is grace þat he sende hure som siȝte
Of þe deuel þat worrede hure and wuch were is miȝte
Me telþ þat þe deuel com to þis maide swie
In þe forme of a dragon ac inot weþer me lie
He ȝonede and gan is ouer cheke ouer hure heued do
And is neþer cheke and is tonge bineþe at hure ho
And forswolwyde so in þis maide he ȝonede er wel wide
He[o] wende into a sori wombe ac he[o] wolde lite abide
For þe signe he[o] made of þe crois þe deuel barst anon
And þis maide hol and sond out of þis worm gan gon
Ac þis netelle ich noȝt to soþe for it nis noȝt to soþe iwrite
Ac weþer it is soþ oþer it nis inot noman þat wite
Ac aȝen kunde it were þat þe deuel were to deþe ibroȝt
For he nemai þolie nanne deþ i nemai it leue noȝt
And also i neleoue noȝt þat is miȝten were so stronge
A so holy creature inis wombe auonge
Ac to soþe it is iwrite þat in a monnes like
Þe deuel to þis maide com and fondede hure to swike
Anon so he to þis maide com hure forto fonde
Þis maide aros wel baldeliche & gripte him bi þe honde
Þou hast he[o] sede inou ido þou ne sselt namore
Þou sselt come anon to stoupe for þi false lore
He[o] nom him bi is luþer pol and harde him to gronde caste
And hure riȝt fot sette anon up is necke bihinde faste
Þou deuel he[o] sede þat ert so strong fol of prute and onde


Þou were betere habbe iheued atom þanne icome me to fonde
Buy doun þou ert ouercom ichelle on þe stonde
Þou miȝt telle atom þat þou were vnder a maidens honde
Faste he[o] bond þis foule wiȝt and scorgede him wel sore
Grislich he ȝal and ofte sede hende maide þin ore
Alas þat ich here com mi miȝte me is bynome
Alas þat a tendre maide me ssel þus ouercome
Ȝif it were a man of eni strengþe me þingþ me nere noȝt
Ac issend ich am þat a maide me haþ to gronde ibroȝt
Maide for þine hendessipe þou haue mercy of me
Let me go at þis o tyme i ne ssel neuere eft dere þe
Ich bidde for þine kunnes loue þat beoþ mi frend echone
And serueþ me wel as þou wost alle bote þou one
A þeof quaþ þis holy maide ȝute þou sselt abide
Þou sselt telle me of ȝoure art þat fleoþ aboute so wide
Wy worre ȝe Cristene men among al oþere mest
Certes maide quaþ þe deuel for hi loueþ us lest
And mest ssame us doþ of alle men & mest beoþ oure fon
Mest strengþe hi habbeþ of ȝare God among us to gon
And echmon may bi riȝte cunde fonde is fon to schende
And we nebeoþ noȝt to blame þanne to do in oure ende
Among men of þe olde lawe we ferde wile so
Þat seruede wel hore heie God we hadde envie þerto
Þer com þe kyng Salamon þat wis was of þe lawe
Þat seruede wel almiȝti God & to is seruise gan drawe
Þarefore we hadde þerto envie and fondede wel faste
Ac is Louerd him ȝaf such poer þat he ouercam us attelaste
And in a strong veteles us broȝte and caste us in a putte
And made it aboute faste inou & þer inne uaste us dutte
Þe wile þat he aliue was we nadde poer non


Þe wile we were so faste idut among men to gon
Ne after is deþ noþemo ȝif men hom sulf it wolde
Ac men us broȝte out þerof suþþe for couetise of golde
For as [we] were þere inne idut we gonne blowe & blaste
And briȝt fur glowinde red out of þe eorþe caste
Þer come men wel ofte þeruorþ and þis fur iseie þere
And sede it nemiȝte noȝt be[o] þat þere gret tresor nere
Lo hou red comþ out þe breþ loke we anon
Delue we uaste and we worþe riche men anon
Hi dolue and fonde þe ueteles þat we were on iput
Ey hy sede we habbeþ iuonde þis tresouris here idut
Þis veteles hi breke anon and wende wel to cacche
And fonde a tresour feble inou atte ferste hacche
To ȝare bihoue feble inou and to oþer men also
For we were glad inou þo we were of prison ido
And wende and fulde al þe eir aboue & þus in euerich side
We wendeþ & derieþ men in þe lond aboute wide
Nou ich þe habbe Margarete itold of al oure dede
Haue ruþe of me ich bidde þe & bring me of þis wrechede
And þench þat maidens ssolde be[o] fol of milce and ore
Ich bihote þe þat inelle neuere eft dere þe more
Attelaste þis holy maide þis foule þing let wende
Þe schrewe was þo glad inou þat he was out of bende
Þis Iustice anoþer day inis sege him gan sette
And þis holy maide Margarete biuore him me vette
And esste were hure wille were þe ȝut turne hure þoȝt
Certes sire quaþ þis maide þou spext aboute noȝt
Þe Iustice þo in grete wraþþe let make a fur faste
And let strupe þe maide naked and amid þe fur caste
Ac þat fur queinte sone and nemiȝte hure berne noȝt
Al hol and sond he was eft biuore þe Iustice ibroȝt


Þer was wraþþe and sorwe inou hure uet & honde hi bonde
And caste hure in a wel dep water hure heued toward þe gronde
Ac oure Louerdes miȝte was wel muche hure bendes borste anon
And al harmles he[o] com softe out of þe water gon
Þe Iustice was nei out of witte þo he hurde þis tidinge
Certes he sede in som manere we ssolleþ hure to deþe bringe
He let hete water al seoþinge and þo it boillede uaste
He let nime þis holy maide and amidde þe water caste
Þo he[o] was þer inne ido þe eorþe quakede anon
Swuþe grisliche aboute þat þe folk dradde echon
Þe maide ȝeode out of þis water þat þus seþinge was
And among al is folk þat noþewors hure nas
Louerd muche is þi miȝte as me may alday ise[o]
Þat enyþing in such torment aliue miȝte be[o]
Vif þousond men in þe place þo hi þis iseie
Turnde anon to Cristendom and herede oure Louerd wel heie
Þo þe Iustice þat isei he gan to grede and grone
He nom þis men þat turnde so and smot of hore heued echone
And let nime ek þis holy maide & smite of hure heued also
Þat he[o] were ibroȝt of liue and heo out of wo
Itake he was a manquellare Maltus was is name
He fondede hou he miȝte lede þis maide mid mest ssame
He ladde hure wiþoute toun þere as me broȝte of dawe
Þeues and eke oþer men idemd were þoru þe lawe
Þo Margarete was ibroȝt to þis vile stude


He[o] bad þe quellare ȝiue hure ferst þe wile he[o] bad hure bede
So þat Maltus hure ȝaf uerst and bad hure heie uaste
Þis holy maide sat akne[o] & to heuene hure eiȝene caste
Louerd he[o] sede Iesu Crist þat boȝtest me on þe rode
Mid heorte and mouþ ich þonke þe & wel aȝte of alle gode
And þi wille is to bringe me out of þis worles wrechede
And wiþoute wem of mi body to þe ioie of heuene lede
Grante me ich bidde þe for þin wonden viue
Þat ȝif enimon haþ gode munde Louerd of mine liue
And of þe pine þat ich habbe iþoled for þine grace
Oþer writ in god entente and ret in eni place
Ȝif hi biddeþ in god entente grante hom milce & ore
Ȝif hi in eny anuy beoþ bring hom out of sore
Ȝif enymon in onur of me eny chapel deþ rere
Oþer eni weued in churche oþer eni liȝt find þere
In onur of me up is coust Louerd bidde ich þe
Ȝif hi biddeþ þing þat is to bidde grante hom for þe loue of me
And ȝif eny womman to me clupeþ in trauail of childe
Oþer biuore my lif rede Louerd be[o] hure milde
Ne lete hure noȝt þerewiþ spille ac bring þat child to siȝte
And al sauf of is moder wombe wiþ al is li[m]es riȝte
Moder and child saue boþe Louerd for loue of me
Louerd for þi moder loue þat þeos bone igranted be[o]
Anon so þis maide þeos bone hadde ido
Þer com a þondre swuþe strong & gret liȝtinge þerto
Þat þe folk þat stod aboute folle adoun for drede
And leie þere as hi were astoned & longe as hi were dede
A coluore wittore þanne eni snou fram heuene liȝte adoun
In þe þondre to þe maide after hure orison
Maide it sede Margare[t] iblessed þou ert and hende


Oure [Louerd] granteþ þe þi bone to þe worles ende
Com nou to reste for oure Louerd after þe deþ sende
Þou sselt after þi stronge pine to þe ioie of heuene wende
Þis coluere to heuene fley aȝen fram wan he com
Þis maide aros wel mildeliche to auonge hure martirdom
Maltus he[o] sede com nou forþ and þin louerdes heste do
For nou in mi Louerdes name prest icham þerto
O Margarete merci þis quellare anon sede
I nedorste do for al þe world a so fol dede
So muche liȝt of heuene ich ise[o] aboute þe in ech ende
Ac ich wolde ich miȝte wiþ þe deie & wiþ þe þuder wende
Maltus quaþ þis holy maide bote þou do þis dede
Þe netit no part þerof wiþ me þereuore do ich rede
Þis Maltus drou is swerd swete Louerd he sede
Þis deoluol dede uorȝif me for ich it do wiþ gret drede
Þis holy heued he smot of and anon so he hadde ido
In hure riȝt half he uel adoun & deide wiþ hure also
Riȝt as þis maide deide as al þat folk ysei
A wiȝt coluere flei out of hure into heuene an hey
In þis manere þis holy maide hure lyf to ende broȝte
Of gret uertue is hure lyf wo so þeron þoȝte
Wymmen þat wiþ oþer were wanne hi child bere
Hit were god þat hi radde hure lyf þe sikerore ȝe seoþ it were
Nou seinte Margarete þe holy maide we biddeþ attenende
Þat þou bidde for us þat we mote to þe ioie of heuene wende