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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Tercium est fydes que intelligitur per illuminacionem ceci, vt in euangelio huius diei.

The thridde thing that nedeful ys
to make our penaunce acceptable
ys werrai faithe forsothe i-wisse,
for boute hit moun we noght be able.
And that may vnderstonden be
by the gospel of this day,
and that blind mon þat God maad se,
for sad faithe he hade and werray,
And that witnesse God almight
by his awne worde i-wisse,
that Crist sayde when he gaf him sight,
as her in Latyn wreten his:

Respice, fides tua saluum te fecit.

‘Se,’ quod Crist, and thenne segh he,
that long tyme was blind before,
‘thi beleue has sauet the
Of penaunce thow has tholet tho.’
So may I preue tho werkes thre
that in epistel and gospel ys,
faithe, mynd and ful charite
bien ful nedeful all i-wis.
for sad faithe maad our werkes be
acceptable to God almight,
For imposseble, leue ȝe me,
boute faithe to plese God oright.


Sine fide impossibile est placere deo.

Mind, as in Cristes passioun,
makes our penaunce more light,
as Gregori witnesse by resoun,
and I to telle now haue i-tight:

Gregorius: Si passio Christi ad memoriam reducitur, nichil est, quod non equo animo toleretur.

‘Ȝif Cristes passioun be in mynde,
no pyne for him we thole may
that [n]is light, ȝif we be kynd,
and better suffer hit we mone aye.’
The thridde vertu of charite
mas tho other studfast aye,
for ther-as thing may louet be,
mon nys not werry be no waye,
And witnesse saynt Gregore,
As I to specify am in-tent,
that loue is noght wurth witerlye,
Ther loue in dede ys negligent.