University of Virginia Library

The Glory of Divine Efficacy in other Miracles


Melany, Albine, Marsus, Victor too

At Anjou meet, in France. Melany doth
The Euchrist offer to the rest who doe
It take, but Marsus bosoms his which growth
Into a serpents girdle, he again
Gave't Melany and told him how it came.


He bad him tell Albine what he had done
And he again him sent to Victor thence
At length its sent to Milany who run
Doth unto pray're that now this serpent hence
Might turn back here into the Eucharist.
The which it did before he did desist.
Evagrius saith there was a Jew who was
A Glazier at Constantinople took Caught
His boy and in an Oven hot alas
Did thrust him, case with other boyes (what salt?)
He tooke a bit of sacramentall bread:
But was not burnt thereby, nor dammaged.
At length his mother found him and inquir'd
How he abode so long unhurt there. He
Replide, a woman all in purple 'tirde,
Came to me and brought water unto mee.
She quencht the Coals next to mee, gave me meat
As often as I hungry were, to eate.
A mountain in the Rhoan, where on was built
Tauredune Castle, bellowd sixty dayes,
Then from a mountain by was torn, and tilt
With its Inhabitants and Castle playes
Into the Rhoan, whose water dam'd, back quoild
And sought new tracks and many people spoild.
Soon after thirty Monks about the place
The mountain fell from, digging, mettall found.
The mount fell lowing as before. Their pace
Desisted not, before the mount did bound
And rent again, and overwhelmd them there
And made them pay for all the mettall deare.
This sad Catastrophy insude upon
Such Prodigies as these: four suns appear
I' th'east, also the suns put darkness on
That not a quarter of its light shown there.
A blazing star peept fourth, also the sky
Did seem to burn like fire tremendosly.


An Elder tree did in Justinians dayes

Its flowers, fruits, seeds transform to tender Vines
'Fore Africk souldiers did rebell the Rayes
Of this bright sun were lost so that its shines
Show like the moon, without its beams a year,
Seemd grayish, then the Plague and Famine 'peare.


Evagrius saith, I saw a Calfe new falln
Ith second Justins reign that wore two heads.
Sabellicus asserts the skies had calln
Out Fiery Armies fighting in't, that shed


Much blood, and many Inundations hereupon

And Longobeards sack Italy, come on.
In Paris twenty sun rayes from the north
Appeare, that run into the west, and one
Much longer than the rest up stretch'd forth,
So vanished, and afterwards all gone.
A radient star shines in the moon: and more
Do round her in. She often blackness wore.
About Chartres, blood ran from bread they broke.
At Tours it did so too. Trees also beare
Fruits twice a yeare and vines after the yoake
Of Vintage, budd out yield new grapes and fair.
Now serpents drop out of the Clouds with rain
An age of Serpents now springs up again.
King Guntran tir'd in hunting, lean'd upon
His Armor bearers breast, and took a nap.
Out of his mouth a creature small came, whom
The Armor bearers sword bridg up, by hap,
To pass o're from and to his mouth again,
Which entring in, the King awakes amain.
And as amazd, saith, I in sleep passt ore
An Iron bridge, and underneath the hill
I mighty treasures saw, searching therefore
He found the same and gave the Church this still.
At Daon was a Child born handless, yes,
Eye and eyebrowless, with taile of a fish.
Neer Venice was an Iland lake made blood.
In January Roses ripe did grow.
A Rainbow Circle round the sun there stood
With various Colours. Ripe grapes also flow
And trees too in December, blossom cleare.
Strange things indeed, and make a most strange year.


A Child is born at Byzant with four feet.

Another with two Heads came unto light:
Maurice his sword them on the Earth did greet
And tooke them hence away out of mens sight,
And fiery armies in the skies men viewd,
Shining in blood of mankind which insude.


Lieutenant Menas of rich Egypt in
The Iland Delta about breake of day
A man saw there out in the River swim
With a Gigantine Face, Grave looks and Gray,
Hair yellowish, Heroick Arms, breast, back,
To th'Groin heavd out oth waves was seen by hap.
His other parts hid with the watry fence
As hiding natures secrets modestly.
Menas adjur'd him if a Demon, thence
To hast away. If otherwise, not t'fly
Away before all they had satisfide
Themselves with his Unthought of sight espide.
Now taking of the Pens, that have translind
These things to us, to give us down things true:
We se Divine Efficiency how't shin'd
In glorious Providence, this Century through,
Unto the glory of Almighty, who
Darts his Efficiency in Wonders so.