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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[O man Behald this warldis vaniteis]

[O man Behald this warldis vaniteis]

O man Behald this warldis vaniteis,
The Ioy of it I wait is fantasie,
Thairfoir bewar my counsell now it is
Be glaid in God, for doutles thow mon die.
Think thow art cum, & wait not quhē to pas,
Think thow mō change, & wait not quhair to be,
Think quhy thow come, & quhat thy erand was
Be weill auysit, for doutles thow mon die.
Auise the weill, quhill thow hes tyme & space,
Exempill tak daylie as thow may se,
Quhen deith cummis thair is na vther grace
Bot ȝeild the than, for doutles thow mon die.
Ȝeild the to God with humbill hart contrite,
In Cheritie lufe as thow wald lufit be,
Gif thow wald leif without this warldis despite
Remember on this, for doutles thow mon die.
Remember vpon thy God Omnipotent,
That is and was, and euer moir salbe,
And for thy sin he saikleslie was schent
Be kynde againe, for doutles thow mon die.
Be kynde againe for heuin Celestiall,
Quhair gloir and Ioy without end sall be,


Be kynde and dreid the cruell paine of hell
Cheis thee the ane, for doutles thow mon die.