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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 112. Beatus Vir. Acrostichon.

Psal. 112. Beatus Vir. Acrostichon.



All blessings blesse the man, that stands
of God the Lord in feare:
But of delight in his commands,
of no delight can heare.



Grow mighty shall on earth his seed,
about his dwelling place.
Daily shall blessings blessings breed,
to blesse the righteous race.


His house of wealth and treasures heap't,
shall be a house of store:
What with his Justice he hath reap't,
shall stand for evermore.


Such light in darknesse shall arise,
as lightens hearts upright:
Him Grace and Mercy magnifies,
his lamp shall Justice light.


The good man graciously proceeds,
and bountifully lends:
In sound advisement weighs his deeds,
his words with Judgement spends.


Certainly his foundations frame,
no adverse storme shall straine,
Lasting for ever shall his Name
in memorie remaine.


Make him to feare the fowle event,
none evill heare-say shall:
Not so, his heart is fixt and bent,
to trust the Lord withall.


Set stedfast holds his heart his hold,
from feare of perill free;
His enemies to ruine sold,
till he in safetie see.


Poore soules among his Almes are thrown,
such Justice daies and daies
Continue shall, by bounty growne,
his Horne shall honour raise.


Repining shall the wicked see,
this sight, and pallid ire


Shall gnash the teeth, shall melted be
to nought with his desire.