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CXI. William Tracy. A Letter to John Smyth June, 1620
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CXI. William Tracy. A Letter to John Smyth
June, 1620

Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 17
Document in New York Public Library. Autograph Letter, Signed
List of Records No. 182

Sr tomorow by gods leaue shall I paye yō a 100ɫi at leste before at seuerall
times 95 ye rest wth all spede shall be sent in as I haue agred wth yor man.
so yt wth in 10 dayes I hope to pay vnto yō 300ɫi with yt allredi payd now yf
yō mene we shall Cari heyfares ouer it wer good yō sote to hier a flemish
hoye to Cari sum & yf it mit be in ani resonable mesuer I would haue 3


mares wch would be of gret youse especialli yf we went on herewth a blome
smith at ye first for heyron as mr brian thinketh it fit we should. he I hop
will go & I dout not but we shall have men mor then we ned do yor
best at london for kine & all advantages of letter or what else for ouer
good. mr pallet will Com to yō I pray yō fornish him with all nedfull
things for fesike or sorgerie, for life is more der than gould lether for
lining and stokins of lether I hop yō will prouid. What may be had as
well at bristo ned not be bout ther as linen & wolen & vitel wth vinds
and whod watars. I intret yō bring my paten wth yō what yō lay out
I will pay. let it not be knowen we gayne so yō may get sumthing for yor
selfe & sum for me it will be gayne for vs I haue mad menes to ye ladi
delaware to bie or borrowe such things as she may fance her honors
land lieth nex to ouers by gods blesin we shall do well god grant we may
labouer to gayne it mor for ye soule then ye bodi by all menes let me
intret yō to tak ye tobaco wholi to yō. I intret yō to yor oune profit
therefore ye esier to obtaine. yf yō gaine well I hop yō will mak vs asaners.
I am now in spech wth a precher of yor name yt will go ouer wth me. Yf
yō all will Consente I doute not but yt yō will take paines & Car for ouer
bisnes & I will requit yō wth my paines in Virginia & so will rest in all

Yor ever
Willĩ Tracy
I Cannot her whether my cosin barkli haue taken a ship or not Yt Care
must be on yō to my bisnes will not suffer me to seke after on & wthout on
all is nothing good Sr Consider I haue manie bisnesis & non to helpe me
If yō mit do my honest neybouer §this berer§ sum good I would thank yō
[Addressed:] To my asured frind mr John Smithe at ye blue lion in Chanseri
lane this.
[Indorsed by J. Smith:] Mr Tracyes ɫre about his dispatch into Virgynia,
June .1620. .18. Jac. sent mee to London.