University of Virginia Library

For Graduates and Undergraduates.

Chemistry C1: Physical Chemistry: Course B1 and B1 Anal., or
their equivalents, prerequisite.
—Some knowledge of the Calculus is required,
and previous work in Physics is desirable. This course will
include work upon such topics as the gas laws, kinetic theory of
gases, the properties of dilute solutions, osmotic pressure, the determination
of molecular weights, mass action, reaction velocity and
equilibrium, electrolysis and electrolytic dissociation, the phase rule,
etc. The laboratory work will consist of a thorough course in
physico-chemical methods, including the measurement of electrolytic
conductivity, electromotive force, etc. Toward the end of the course
the student will be required to do a limited amount of research on
some chemical problem suggested by the instructor. Hours by appointment.
Associate Professor Edgar.

Chemistry C2: Advanced Organic Chemistry: Courses B1 and B2,
or their equivalent, prerequisite.
—The work of the first term consists
of lectures and recitations on the History of Chemical Development
and Theory, with laboratory work illustrative of fundamental chemical

The second and third terms consist of lectures, laboratory work,
etc., on advanced organic Chemistry, making use of the most recent
and comprehensive treatises on this subject. During the third term
the student will be required to do a limited amount of research on
some subject suggested by the instructor. Hours by appointment.
Associate Professor Edgar.