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Scene III.

A street before Don Diego's house in Barcelona. —Enter Alvaro and Fabio, masked: other Masks pass across, and into Diego's house.

This is the place; here will I wait till she comes
by. I know her dress, but I dared not follow her till myself


And no doubt, sir, you will find good opportunity of
talking to her. 'Tis the old and acknowledged usage of
this season, that any one may accost any one so long as
both are masked, and so neither supposed to know the other.


Oh, a brave usage, and a brave invention that of the


Carnival! One may accost whom one pleases, and whisper
what one will, under the very ears of husband, father, or


So received a custom, that even among this hot-headed
jealous people of Spain, no mortal quarrel has yet
arisen on these occasions, though plenty to provoke it.


Look! the Masks are coming; I hear the music
within. She must soon be here. Let us withdraw round
this corner till she come.
