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Scene III.

The Council Chamber in the King's Palace.The King, the Dukes of Orleans and Burgundy, the Archbishop of Sens, and other Councillors. Officers of State in attendance, amongst whom are the Bastard of Montargis and the Provost of Paris.
The King.
My Brother, Cousin John, and my good Lords,
Much have I long'd once more to meet you here,
And much it sometimes seem'd I had to say;
But, Sirs, my voice is weak, more weak my wits,
Being, as I am, new risen from the grave,—
The grave, I say, wherein my mind was buried,—
And you shall pardon me if tongue or thought
Should falter, one or both. We meet to-day
To reason of my illness; whence it comes
And how to hold it off. But, Sirs, much more
I would that ye should reason of the realm,
Discern what ails it and divine what balm
Shall heal its ghastly wounds. Oh, my good Lords,
It breaks my very heart of heart in pieces,
So often as I wake from these bad dreams,
To find what's real worse. Apply your hearts,


I pray you, to restore my Kingdom's health,
And then take thought for mine.

So please your Grace,
Under God's providence, the Kingdom's health
Attends upon the King's, whose health and weal
Are as the fountain-head whence all the land
Is water'd; 'tis in you your Kingdom finds
All aid and increase, even as the Psalmist saith,
“All my fresh springs in thee.”

And therefore first
Behoves us reason of the first, and ask
Who and what are they that with devilish art
Poison the wells and fountain-head of France;
And there be now arrived from Normandy
Two wise and worthy monks, vouch'd by Sanxerre,
Your Highness's true liege and faithful friend,
For men of marvellous aptness to rip up
The works of witchcraft. He avers, my Lords,
The Province hath been purged the last ten years
Of wizards to the number of threescore
And twice so many witches, which is due
Most chiefly to their skill and diligence.
I hold it were no wisdom to forego
Such aid as theirs.

One word, my Lords, to that.
What know we of these monks or of their art?
Save only that Sanxerre (whom God forbid
That I should blame, for he is wise and true)


Gives credence to their skill. But wisdom errs
In nought more oft than putting easy trust
In tales when things are dark. For man is loth,
In argument where grounded thought is none
And yet the theme solicitous, to fold
The wings of thought and drop its lids and own
That in a night of knowledge to roost and sleep
Is judgment's sole sagacity. Thus he
That justly should have balanced 'twixt two weights
Substantial both though diverse in degree
Of credibility, shall lose himself,
Intent on vacancy, in snatching shadows
And pondering of imponderable motes.
I say, Sirs, we know nothing of these monks
Nor of their art.

Good cousin, by St. George
Rumour hath wrong'd thee much if of some arts
Thou know'st not more than most. What's that I see
Circling thy left forefinger? Jean de Bar,
Were he alive, could tell us of a work
Wrought on a golden ring which bore enchased
The royal arms of France.

And though he's dead,
Mayhap, fair cousin, you shall see him somewhere;
And that ere long, seeing the merry pace
You travel on that broad and trodden way
That leads to his abode. Sirs, Jean de Bar,
Who, as ye know, made traffic of my youth


And coin'd my ignorance, a just death died.
I wish his peers no other. By his aid
(Not gifted with that affable accost
And personal grace which bids my cousin trust
In his own prowess—conquering and to conquer)
I hoped to triumph in affairs of love.
He promised too to call me up the Devil,
Whom (not content with some I daily met
Of aspect diabolic) I craved to see.
These follies of my green unguided youth
Were render'd to the flames with Jean de Bar.
Still of the art itself I spare to speak,
Dilating but, in quality of witness,
The art's practitioners as I have known them:
For whatsoe'er they feign'd, I plainly saw
The Devil had power on them, not they on him.
But whether a veritable power there be
By cryptic art and more than natural mean
To exorcise, or if not exorcise,
Divine whence comes possession, not to me
Pertaineth to pronounce, but more to him
Who sits amongst us spiritually raised
To speak of spirits with authentic voice.
What saith my Lord Archbishop?

Sirs, 'tis true,
As by his Grace of Orleans is averr'd
Most wisely, that that function of the Church
Which deals with evil spirits is usurp'd,


And specially since of late the sword of schism
Hath pierced her very vitals (God forgive
The unspeakably abominable thieves
That thus have rent Christ's garment for a spoil)—
Since then, I say, this function is usurp'd
By some of ill repute; such we disown;
But to deny that incantation used
In sacred sort, with ardours apostolic,
Can cast out Devils, ay and the Prince of Devils,
Were to gainsay what Holy Scripture proves
Not less than daily fact. Sirs, for these monks,
They should be holy men, but that they are
I may not certify; for from their Abbot's
Nor other hand ecclesiastical
Have they credentials.

They have none from Nature;
Ne'er did I see in church or camp or court—
I will not say men like them (for in my time
I have seen visages as villainous
As any Normandy can send to scare us)—
But men of visage more detestable
I ne'er saw yet—more cruel-eyed, or men
Whose outside of their inside told a tale
More foul and loathsome. On the brow of each,
Writ by kind Providence that watcheth o'er us,
I read the word “Beware!”

Twere well, fair cousin,
Read where you may that word in books or men,


'Twere read to better purpose.

My Lords, these monks
I cannot to your confidence commend.
But there is one without attends your pleasure,
A man of life religious and severe,
Both gently born and well and widely known,
Who, might it please your Highness, hath been charged,
So he avers, divinely in a vision
With what he deems a message from on high
To be deliver'd in your royal presence
Nor otherwise divulged. With your kind leave
The Provost shall conduct him in.

The King.
At once.
To pious men our ears are open ever.
We'll hear this message. What may be his name?

[Exit the Provost.
'Tis Menuot, but in the popular mouth,
Robert the Hermit. He is strangely clad
For such a presence, but his vows forbid
A garb more seemly.

Let his vow be kept.
What is it that he wears? A wildcat's skin
To signify he dreams by day?
Re-enter the Provost with Robert the Hermit.
God's love!
Was wildcat e'er so wild?


The King.
Good Sir, his Grace,
My Lord Archbishop, tells us thou art charged
Some message to make known. Rise then and speak.

King and my gracious Sovereign, unto whom
I bend the knee as one ordain'd of God,
A message hath been given me, and I am bid
To tell thee in what sort. St. Jerome's Day,
My vows perform'd, I sail'd from Palestine,
With favouring winds at first; but the tenth night
A storm arose and darkness was around
And fear and trembling and the face of death.
Six hours I knelt in prayer, and with the seventh
A light was flash'd upon the raging sea,
And in the raging sea a space appear'd
Flat as a lake, where lay outstretch'd and white
A woman's body; thereupon were perch'd
Two birds, a falcon and a kite, whose heads
Bare each a crown, and each had bloody beaks,
And blood was on the claws of each, which clasp'd
This the right breast and that the left, and each
Fought with the other, nor for that they ceased
To tear the body. Then there came a cry
Piercing the storm—“Woe, woe for France, woe, woe!
Thy mother France, how excellently fair
And in how foul a clutch!” Then silence; then,
“Robert of Menuot, thou shalt surely live,
For God hath work to give thee; be of good cheer;
Nail thou two planks in figure of a cross,


And lash thee to that cross and leap, and lo!
Thou shalt be cast upon the coast of France;
Then take thy way to Paris; on the road,
See, hear, and when thou com'st to Paris, speak.”
“To whom?” quoth I. Was answer made, “The King.”
I question'd, “What?” “That thou shalt see, declare,
And what God puts it in thy heart to speak
That at the peril of thy soul deliver.”
Then leap'd I in the sea lash'd to a cross,
And drifting half a day I came to shore
At Sigean on the coast of Languedoc,
And parting thence barefooted journey'd hither
For forty days save one, and on the road
I saw and heard, and I am here to speak.

The King.
Good hermit, by God's mercy we are spared
To hear thee, and not only with our ears
But with our mind.

If there be no offence,
But take thou heed to that.

What God commands,
How smacks it of offence? But dire offence
There were if fear of Man should choke God's word.
I heard and saw, and I am here to speak.
Nigh forty days I sped from town to town,
Hamlet to hamlet, and from grange to grange,
And wheresoe'er I set my foot, behold!
The foot of war had been before, and there


Did nothing grow, and in the fruitless fields
Whence ruffian hands had snatch'd the beasts of draft
Women and children to the plough were yoked;
The very sheep had learnt the ways of war
And soon as from the citadel rang out
The larum-peal, flock'd to the city gates;
And tilth was none by day, for none durst forth,
But wronging the night season which God gave
To minister sweet forgetfulness and rest,
Was labour and a spur. I journey'd on,
And near a burning village in a wood
Were huddled 'neath a drift of bloodstain'd snow
The houseless villagers: I journey'd on,
And as I pass'd a convent, at the gate
Were famish'd peasants, hustling each the other,
Half fed by famish'd nuns: I journey'd on,
And 'twixt a hamlet and a church the road
Was black with biers, for famine-fever raged:
I journey'd on—a trumpet's brazen clang
Died in the distance; at my side I heard
A child's weak wail that on its mother's breast
Droop'd its thin face and died; then peal'd to Heaven
The mother's funeral cry, “My child is dead
For lack of food; he hunger'd unto death;
A soldier ate his food and what was left
He trampled in the mire; my child is dead!
Hear me, O God! a soldier kill'd my child!
See to that soldier's quittance—blood for blood!


Visit him, God, with Thy divine revenge!”
The woman ceased; but voices in the air,
Yea and in me a thousand voices cried,
“Visit him, God, with Thy divine revenge!”
Then they too ceased, and sterner still the Voice
Slow and sepulchral that took up the word—
“Him, God, but not him only nor him most;
Look Thou to them that breed the men of blood,
That breed and feed the murderers of the realm.
Look thou to them that, hither and thither tost
Betwixt their quarrels and their pleasures, laugh
At torments that they taste not; bid them learn
That there be torments terribler than these
Whereof it is Thy will that they shall taste,
So they repent not, in the belly of Hell.”
So spake the Voice, then thunder shook the wood,
And lightning smote and splinter'd two tall trees
That tower'd above the rest, the one a pine,
An ash the other. Then I knew the doom
Of those accursed men who sport with war
And tear the body of their mother, France.
Trembling though guiltless did I hear that doom,
Trembling though guiltless I; for them I quaked
Of whom it spoke; Oh, Princes, tremble ye,
For ye are they! Oh, hearken to that Voice!
Oh cruel, cruel, cruel Princes, hear!
For ye are they that tear your mother's flesh;
Oh, flee the wrath to come! Repent and live!


Else know your doom, which God declares through me,
Perdition and the pit hereafter; here
Short life and shameful death.

Ho, ho! My Lords,
What say ye to my Lord Archbishop's friend?
A prophet or a railer? Nay, Sirs, speak;
Or have dumb Devils enter'd you?

My Lords,
I with his Grace of Burgundy my cousin
Stand equally denounced; yet deem I not
That holy man a railer. To my ears
He spake disastrous truth, and from my soul,
Sore wearied with the burthen of its sins,
I grieve for what is past, and pray that God,
Whose goodness and whose multitude of mercies
I rankly have abused, will give me strength
By works of penitence to rescue France,
War-wasted France my mother, and as a brand
Pluck'd from the burning, her unworthiest son.
And cousin of Burgundy, for all words and deeds
Of this and other days that did thee wrong
I humbly crave forgiveness, first of God
And next of thee; and in the Celestines
In token of contrition will I found
Two daily masses for thy father's soul.

Gramercy, my good cousin, by St. George
I bear no malice, I, nor ever did.


Here is my hand; I swear from this time forth
I'll love thee as myself, yea heartily;
And to thine enemies I hold my sword
As counter as to mine. And now, my Lords,
To business. For these Augustinian Monks,
Are they at hand?

My Lord, they were not summon'd.

Not summon'd?

But they are not far to seek;
For in the Rue des Ursulines but now
I met them, with a rabble that rear'd a stake,
And in their hands one Passac at his prayers
Waiting to be confess'd.

What! Passac? No!
My good friend Passac! He to burn! God's death!
Attendance there! I'll see to that myself.

Send for these Monks.

The King.
Good cousin, no, not now.
My head is weak; I may not tax it more.
My Lords, pray pardon me; another day
I'll ask your further aid. The Monks can then
Be brought before you. This day's conference
May well content us, since it heals the strife
Betwixt our two chief councillors and friends;
And more to their accord I bid you look
Than the frail hope of strength renew'd in me
To give the kingdom peace. Sirs, fare ye well.