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—An elegant Chamber in the Villa of Count Dorio—doors R. and L.
Enter Count Fernando, R.
What ho! where art thou, Sancho?!

Enter Sancho, L.
Here, my lord.

The brigand Massaroni hath been seen
Watching the guests now flocking to the villa,
To share Count Dorio's hospitality.
'Tis not unlikely but the lawless bandit
May venture an attack, in hopes of plunder.

We'll give him, if he dare, a warm reception!

See that Count Dorio's vassals be assembled,
And well instructed in the use of arms.

I shall obey, my lord.

What would I give
To see the brigands, like a mountain torrent,
Rush down upon the villa! It would then
Be seen who is a coward, and who is not.

If it so please your lordship, speak the word,
And I will fly like lightning to the mountains,
And, in your name, give Signor Massaroni
An invitation to the masquerade.

Peace, blockhead! If he came by accident,
It would rejoice me; but if at my bidding,
Were I not an accomplice in his crimes?

Most truly. I forgot that circumstance.


See that thou punctually obey my orders.
Fate! give me but an opportunity
Of wielding this good sword for dear Georgina,
And we are friends! Come, Sancho, follow me!

[Exit, L.
I come, my lord. And all I ask the gods
Is but a chance to show how I would fight,
In field or battery, by day or night,
On foot, on back of charger, mule, or poney,
For my dear Babbla, 'gainst this Massaroni!

[Exit, L.
Enter Georgina and Babbla, R.
Have my commands been punctually obeyed?

Even, my lady, to the very letter.

What think you of my project, Babbla? say.

That it's well worthy of a woman's head,
But whether woman's heart hath resolution
To execute it, really I've my doubts.

Then banish them, and let bold certainty
Inspire thee with confidence. Why, girl,
Reflect: it is for sacred Love we fight,
And that dear name puts coward fear to flight.
Say, where are the fair candidates for fame?

They wait without.

Admit them instantly.
Enter several young Ladies, the friends and companions of Georgina.
Companions of my youth, accept my thanks
For your prompt acquiescence in a plan
Inspired by love; and, although fraught with peril,
Still nothing to the noble resolution
That flashes from your eyes. Where danger threatens,
The brave fail not to reap a glorious harvest.
Say, are you willing then to follow me,
And boldly to the world your courage prove
In the defence of persecuted love?

We are resolved!

Thanks—thanks, my gallant friends!

FINALE.—Solo and Grand Chorus.
Air, “All the blue bonnets are over the border.”
March! march! 'tis at young Cupid's call;
Glory to her who her life for him loses!
March! march! pretty maids one and all;
No gallant youth will love her who refuses.


Then, without fear, let us on to the battle-field,
There, amidst danger, to prove our affection;
Never—no, never, not even in death, to yield,
For valour it is that crowns love with perfection.

March! march! 'tis at young Cupid's call;
Glory to her who her life for him loses!
March! march! pretty maids one and all;
No gallant youth will love her who refuses.

[Georgina places herself at the head of her companions, and they march off, L. U. E.