University of Virginia Library


Arnolph, Orbassan, Almida.
The welfare of the state, the voice of Syracuse,
Heav'n and your father destine you a husband.
Motives like these admit not of refusal.
This noble knight, now join'd with me in friendship,
Has from my mouth receiv'd your promis'd faith.
His name and rank can be no stranger to you;
Pow'rful in Syracuse, he heads our armies,
And Tancred's rights to him transferr'd—

Just heaven!

In this alliance of itself so brilliant,
Is the least object that attracts.


My lord,
I by your daughter's hand enough am honour'd;
Her sight endears the present to my heart.
May her choice deserving, and your goodness
Prove not unworthy of a gift so precious.

I know my father's kind paternal love
Has ever wish'd to make his daughter happy;
And now my hand he destines to a hero—
Thus when those long debates, that vex'd the state,
Are by your soothing wisdom quite subsided;
I am the pledge reserv'd to fix your union,
The intention honors me—it may be useful—
Yet sure—my lord, I hope you will excuse me
[to Orbassan.
If my astonish'd heart, from earliest youth
Accustom'd to the frowns of adverse fortune,
And by the sudden news confus'd, one moment
Wishes for refuge in a father's bosom.

Far be it from me, madam, to oppose
A wish so just, so worthy my esteem.
Nor would I seem intrusive to presume
Upon those rights your goodness has avow'd.
I have obtain'd your hand, and must deserve it.
Our warriors wait me, and I fly to head them.
[Exit Orbassan.