Albion and Albanius | ||
Cease, Augusta! Cease thy mourning,
Happy dayes appeare,
Godlike Albion is returning
Loyal Hearts to Cheere!
Every Grace his youth Adorning,
Glorious as the Star of Morning,
Or the Planet of the Year.
Godlike Albion is returning, &c.
to Arch.
Hast away, Loyal chief, hast away.
No delay, but obey:
To receive thy lov'd Lord! hast away.
[Ex. Arch.
Medway and Isis, you that augment me,
Tides that encrease my watry store,
And you that are Friends to Peace and Plenty,
Send my merry Boyes all ashore;
Sea Men Skipping,
Mariners Leaping,
Shouting, Tripping,
Send my merry Boyes all ashore!
A Dance of Watermen in the King's and Duke's Liveries.
Albion and Albanius | ||