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Zaida, Kaliel.
O Let not Grief your Bloom destroy,
Youth's fairest Blossoms spring from Joy,
And Beauty's Cheek with Tints supply,
Which nipt by Sorrow fade and die.
Sigh not your Hours away,
Youth should be ever gay;
Ever should dance around
Pleasure's enchanted Ground:
Reason invites you,
Passion excites you,
Raptures abound!
Spring shall her Sweets display,
Nature shall vie with Art;
No Clouds shall shade the Day,
No Grief the Heart.
Love shall his Treasures bring,
Beauty shall sport and sing,
Free as the Zephyr's Wing,


Soft as his Kiss,
“From Bliss to Bliss.”
Free as the Zephyr's Wing, &c.
Come then sweet Liberty!
Let us be ever free,
What's Life without Love, what Love without Thee?

Recit. Accomp.
To Zaida's Ears thy Strains might sweetly flow,
Had Zoreb's Air or Face her Bosom fir'd;
No transient Passion caught her Heart,—Oh, no!
Can Passion die, that Virtue has inspir'd?
Whate'er you say, whate'er you do,
My Heart shall still be fix'd and true;
The vicious Bosom Love deforms,
And rages there in Gusts and Storms;
But Love with us a constant Gale
Just swells the Sea, and fills the Sail;
Neither of Winds or Waves the Sport,
We rule the Helm, and gain the Port.


Ye Votaries of Mirth and Love,
In all your various Mazes move,
Be frolick, changeable, and free,
Charm her with sweet Variety:
The happiest Union known on Earth,
Is Mirth with Love, and Love with Mirth.

[Kaliel waves his Wand.