The Heroic-Lover, or, the Infanta of Spain | ||
The second ACT
The first Scene
Enter King, Prince, Zorates and Selucious with a Petition, and divers others.Zorates.
We come implease you Sir, for to present,
As from your loving Subjects, being sent,
This humble Bill, and to intreat withall,
You woo'd be pleas'd, to quit the Cardinal.
And leave him to the mercy of the Law,
Which he contemns, and will not stand in awe.
Thefe twenty years, your people have endur'd,
Without all hopes, to have their ease procur'd,
Which he still exercis'd, as your commands,
Now what with taxes, they are grown so poor,
They are not able for to give you more:
Except you'd have, their wives, and children, die,
For want of bread, to pay your Majestie.
Which they believe, you woo'd be loth to do,
Which makes them to your Highness, now to sue.
D'you know my masters, what you do demand,
The Cardinal requesting at our hand?
Sure if you did, you woo'd not be so bold,
To ask the man, which does our Scepter hold.
Which does from falling off, preserve our Crown,
And all mens lives, that are in this same Town:
Who like a faithful Shepherd, watches so,
Both night and day, to keep us from our foe.
Where had we been long since, had not his care.
Preserved us, from falling in the snare,
The Turk, for want of faith, for us prepar'd,
The good whereof, you equally have shar'd?
And woo'd you we shoo'd be so void of sense,
Him so unlike a King, to recompence?
No, no, we won't, nor can we yet forget,
All his past cares, although that you can it.
And more then that, we make it to be death,
For any so to us, to 'ope his breath.
As for your taxes, we will order take,
That more they shall not make, your heads to ake.
What monstrous men, implease your Grace are these,
Whom nothing but a Cardinal, will please!
Retire, and leave the Prince, and us alone;
We sent for you, to make our pleasure known.
And shortly must, our debt to nature pay.
Before we die, we shoo'd be glad to see,
You well bestow'd, to have posterity.
We with our Counsel, have debated which,
May be the most convenient match, and rich.
At last, we have concluded, that with Spain,
You marry must, if they'le it entertain.
Besides the private interest of State,
Which shoo'd perswade you, to imbrace it strait.
She is extreamly fair, and vertuous too,
A fitting Princess, ev'ry way for you.
Witness this Picture, if we say not true,
Shews picture.
Which as Don Stato sayes, to life he drew.
We out of hand, have ordered for to go,
Our Lord Ambassador, their minds to know.
Who tells us that to morrow, without fail,
If that the wind holds good, he'le set up sail.
As you are King, and I your son and heir,
I shoo'd be sorry, wilful to appear.
I am your Subject, therefore ought to shew,
By my example, others what to do.
Yet Sir, I cannot chuse, but blame my Fate,
To tye my love, to any act of State.
In this, although a Prince, I see I have,
Not freedom, like a Subject, or a slave.
Command, or order any man, woo'd you,
To marry one, he had no mind unto?
I do believe, your Highness is too just,
To will in such a case, that any must.
To any, less severe, then unto me.
I am your son, bone of your very bone,
And can you be so cruel, to your own?
You cannot sure, nor will't I hope you move,
To tell you, that this face I cannot love.
There's something in her nose, and in her eyes,
Views the picture.
Which with my fancy, does not sympathize.
The colour of her hair, is too too brown,
And by her looks, she seems on me to frown:
As if that nature, did prognosticate,
That there woo'd be, 'twixt us, less love then hate.
We use to say, that men in love are blind;
You love not, yet you see not, well we find.
How can that face, in reason you dislike,
Which with such admiration, us does strike?
Had you but wit, for to conceive the good,
That you may reap, to match into that blood:
Were she deform'd, for that you woo'd not stand,
But quickly do, what we do you command.
There is no good, I value like a wife,
With whom a man must live with all his life.
Coo'd I but marry for a day, or two,
And put her off, when I'de a mind to do:
To take a creature, that I coo'd not love,
Woo'd not unto me, inconvenient prove.
But when I wed her, for an unknown time,
Knowing that not to love, is no small crime:
Your Highness shall do well, to let me chuse,
One I can love, and like a Princess use.
As for ought else, Heaven knows I'de rather die,
Then live, and not obey your Majestie.
Then do what Heaven commands, for 'tis Heavens will,
That you your Fathers pleasure, shoo'd fulfill.
But shoo'd my Father, bid me do a thing,
(May I so boldly speak unto the King)
Which is unjust, or otherwise not fit,
For me to do, woo'd Heaven allow of it?
Who shall be judge, of that which you call fit?
None but just Heaven, Great Sir, shall judge of it.
But Heaven ordain'd us here, to judge below,
Of things as we shall please, we'le have you know.
But if you judge amiss, another day,
As well as others, you must for it pay.
The second Scene
Enter Nonantious alone, and afterwards Francina, and hearkens.Nonant.
Did I but know what I do go about,
I woo'd not be so forward, without doubt,
As to pronounce, the sentence of my death,
As I must do, so with my proper breath.
To court a Mistress, was it ever known
To love another, done of one alone?
Coo'd one example, only be but found,
I might have cause to think, my sences sound.
But there is none, none yet was ever known,
To be so foolish, but my self alone.
Then do it not, then I shall disobey,
Do, or not do, criminal ev'ry way.
Of evils, chuse the lesser of the two,
They are so equal, I know not which to do.
My love to fair Francina, bids me not;
My duty to my Prince, can't be forgot.
That willing both, I know not which to do.
But why shoo'd I love her, who me does scorn?
Because thy love's no bastard, but true born.
Why do her good, who me does use so ill?
'Cause 'tis thy duty, and thy Princes will.
Then I will do't, to make my love appear,
Both to my Prince, and to my Saint so dear.
Well, what's your business with me? I was told,
To ask for me again, you were so bold.
I was implease you Madam, it is true,
So bold as yesterday, to ask for you:
But you were not at home, which made me now
So bold again, which you'le I hope allow.
I come not now, as I was wont to do,
My love and passion, to make known to you.
With chosen words, to court you to be kind,
And think you cruel, 'cause that I was blind.
No, no, I know, my merit is too poor,
For to importune you, so any more.
I must confess, I soared then too high,
To let my fancy, after you to fly.
My business now, is of another kind,
If you'le have patience, for to hear my mind.
And faith to credit, what I've charge to say,
Which, I woo'd rather do, then disobey.
And faith to credit, what you've charge to say?
Doubt not of that, if me become it may.
To be a Princess, woo'd become you well,
And in a stately Pallace, alwayes dwell.
Have maids of Honour, 'bout you to attend,
And Lords of quality, at hand to send.
To such as you woo'd have, it to fulfill.
I understand you not; or speak more plain,
Or else your words, will be but spent in vain.
Then to be brief, and make you understand,
The Prince does love you, and did me command
On my allegiance, for to tell you so,
And press you likewise, to believe me too.
The Prince love me! it cannot be believ'd,
Unless I had a mind, to be deceiv'd.
Alas my faith, is not so sawcy yet,
Into my thoughts, it eas'ly to admit.
You may believe me Madam, it is true,
And very certain, what I say to you.
To me my birth, and breeding is so known,
That if 'twere not but only, that alone,
It were enough, no doubt, to humble me,
And me possess, with incredulity.
Were you that, which you say your self to be,
The Prince stands not in need, of dignity.
He has sufficient, for himself and you,
Were you less noble, and less vertuous too.
I question not the truth thereof; but you
I rather think, this of your self do do,
To try if that the name, of Queen can move,
And tempt my resolution, for to love.
Ah Madam! you are cruel to think so,
More cruel far, then in the scorn you shew.
That I shoo'd be so wicked, and so base,
'T abuse, not only you, but too his Grace.
I am no Devil Madam; you may say,
And think your pleasure, while that I obey,
As I have told you Madam, heretofore,
To make his royal passion, known to you,
Which then I said, I was unfit to do:
I nee're had medled, in this love affair,
The fruit whereof, I coo'd not hope to share.
Helas! Heaven knows, I careful was to sound,
And look with diligence, into his wound,
Shewing unto him, 'twoo'd not fitting be,
By reason of the great disparity
'Twixt you, and him, which he did seem to slight,
And value for your sake, extreamly light:
To see if it were dangerous, or no,
Before I woo'd resolve, to let you know.
When finding it, to be a wound indeed,
And that he mortally, for you did bleed:
I feared to be guilty, of his death,
In such a case, to spare to o'pe my breath.
I know not which is greater, of these two,
Your love, or wisdom, if that you say true.
But I am firm resolv'd, to wed with none,
And so unto the Prince, pray make it known.
The third Scene
Enter Zorates, Selucious, and Admiral.Zorates.
We must by all means, quickly out of hand,
Seize on the strongest places of the Land.
Which that we may perform, and better do,
We must declare, and to the people shew,
That the Militia, to us does belong:
And that without our care, they can't be strong,
From any forreign, or Domestique pow'r.
Then put in such, in whom we may confide,
Whose zeal unto the Kingdom has been try'd:
And thrust out those, whom justly we suspect,
The common good at all, not to affect.
Upon my word, the matter you propose,
Is not so easly done, as you suppose.
You'le find a harder business, without doubt,
Then you conceive, to compass it about.
You must so many persons discontent,
Displacing them, without the Kings consent:
That if you had no other rub alone,
'Twoo'd hinder your design from going on.
If that be all, we have not lost our hold,
So long as we can compass, store of gold.
That joyn'd with a pretence, that's somewhat fair,
Will tempt the vulgar, any thing to dare.
That is 'tis true, the life and soul of war;
But with our King, to wage it be it far
From us, who are his Subjects, not his foes,
And are oblig'd, to purchase his repose.
There may no doubt, a better way be found,
To heal the Kingdom, and make all things sound,
Then by so rude a course, to let it blood,
If that the manner how, we understood.
But since the King, refuses our request,
Which tendeth only, to his Royal rest;
What other course, can we conceive to take,
If not by force, his Majesty to make?
Intreat him twice, or thrice, and if that then
He will not grant, beseech him thrice agen.
To force his Prince, then a submissive word.
If that will not prevail, we ought to have
Recourse to Heaven, and his assistance crave
To sweeten him, and mollifie his heart,
It not belonging, justly to our part.
It by your favour, does belong to those
Which steer the State, to punish all its foes.
Now if that he, to save them will pretend,
We do not ill, our selves for to defend.
Do so, but not with his own weapons then,
Nor so, as misbecomes discreet States-men.
What weapons else, have we except the Law,
Which he esteems, no more then a Jack Daw,
Because the Cardinal, instructs him still,
That he shoo'd rule, according to his will:
And know no other Law, but what he makes,
When, and so often, as his fancy takes.
VVhom from his ear, we must and will remove,
Though to the Kingdom, it shall fatal prove.
You know it well enough, if you'd but speak,
And us assist, them of their wills to break:
As it does aptly, in your power fall
To ald us now, as you are Admiral.
Are you my Lord in earnest, or in jest?
So strange I vow to me, seems your request!
My Lord I am in earnest; 'twere a crime,
In jesting now, to spend away the time.
No, no, I'le not consent, to such a thing,
VVhen namely so to do, you'de make me King.
VVere he a Tyrant, or a Prince unjust,
It were no argument, to break my trust.
Unless it were for me, 't obedient be.
VVherefore I'le faithful be; be what he will,
He is my King, and I his Subject still.
A tye so close, and strong, that one cannot
Undo it well, except he breaks the knot.
'Tis not to break it, for the Kingdoms good,
'Tis to preserve it, and the Subjects blood.
VVe will maintain you in a thing so just,
Into our hands, do but resign your trust.
VVhat can the King, in his own person do,
VVithout his Subjects, for to succour you?
'Tis not the name of King, that makes him strong,
That only to his people, does belong.
That Prince upon my word, is most secure,
VVhich of his Subjects love, is alwayes sure.
Think you that Heaven, plac't on his head a Crown,
For to oppress, and keep his people down?
No, no, you are deceiv'd, if you think so,
The King is to himself, the greatest foe.
And you will be, one of his greatest friends,
If you will help, for to correct his sins.
There is no better way, to take him down,
Then let him know, who 'tis upholds his Crown.
VVithout a King, there is no question we,
May live if that we will, most happily:
So cannot he, without his Subjects live,
For it is they, which to him life do give.
Your Doctrine is of Devils; I fear to name
The words which you have utter'd, without shame.
That I shoo'd help, for to correct the King,
VVere he the worst, of any living thing!
Far be't in me, such wickedness shoo'd dwell!
Let Heaven, who sees more clearly then we do,
And with less passion, his correction shew.
To us, who cannot judge of common things,
Does not belong, the judgement of great Kings.
They shoo'd be like stars, seated in the Sky,
Far from our reach, though seeming near our eye.
But in mean while, wee'le keep you in our reach,
And to you better doctrine, likewise teach.
Enter Guard and carry him to prison.
The Heroic-Lover, or, the Infanta of Spain | ||