University of Virginia Library



The Lamb of God! Yea, Mary, and thy Lamb!
Ran with thee as the lamb beside his dam;
He leaped, He played, fed full, He grew and throve
In milky fields and pastures of thy love:
His little feet the cowslips washed with gold,
The dews, the winds were tender: heat and cold
Softened for Him who bade them be, Earth smiled.
The sun, the stars, loved Him, the growing child.
When thou didst lean above His cot at night
To listen for His breathing, soft and light,
Two other Eyes grew soft in love and joy,
Marked how He throve and doated on the Boy:
The Eyes for which Archangels veil the face,
The unsleeping Lamps of Heaven, in that mild space;
The Eyes of God, the Father, smiled upon
The dewy slumber of the little Son.
When He was sick and all thy lullabies
Could bring no assuagement to His aching eyes—
(But did He ail as other children do?)
Was there not One who shared thy watch and knew
The pangs of parenthood and its great fears?
Was He who turns the planets and the spheres
Fearful and troubled, all His joy undone,
For a sick Child, His own and Mary's Son?