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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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[Come, ye wanderers from the fold]

Come and See.” John i. 39.


Come, ye wanderers from the fold,
Prodigals, in trespass, dead,


Come and see the wealth, untold,
Treasured up in Christ your head:
All your pitying Lord requires,
In the greatest, and the least,
Is, repentance, with desires
To partake the Gospel Feast.


Come, ye Mammon-loving souls,
See what shadows you pursue!
Time, his round impetuous rolls,
And your moments now are few!
See the grave impatient wait!
You, ere long, will find your loss,
(How unspeakable and great!)
If you sell your gold for dross.


Come, ye souls, by sin ensnared,
Your forgiveness one ensures;
See the remedy prepared
For diseases such as yours:
Christ, the fallen to restore,
Calls you now to be his guest;
Only go, and sin no more,
Lest you lose the promis'd rest


Come, ye burden'd and forlorn,
By afflictions made to sigh,
You are to a princedom born,
And your heritage is nigh!
See, by faith, the throne above!
And, thereon, the Lamb divine,
Through whose everlasting love,
You may on a rock recline!


Come, ye dying! see the land!
Joyful view yon radiant gates!
There, archangels smiling stand!
There, your Lord, to hail you, waits!


Look beyond the vale of woe!
What are nature's passing pains!
Streams of joy for ever flow
Where the Great Immanuel reigns!