University of Virginia Library



Music and Love,—two names of sweet accord,
The two white wings of super-mortal joy!
Music, that tells of Heaven without a word,
And flows through sense unstained with its alloy;
Love, that at last a worshipper doth win us
To the divinity we feel within us.


Love, that is charged with far a higher task;
Through wicket of a single soul to show
An upward path, until the pilgrim bask
In that broad beam, diffused through all below,
Where the transmitted prismal rays unite
In pure, unbounded, universal light.



Music and Love! Would I had power to blend
These two to beautify a simple tale,
So charm a gentle audience to attend,
About a village in an Irish dale,
Where once I lived, in those uncareful years,
Upon whose sunshine we look back through tears.


Ireland, the Cinderella of the three
Called Sister Kingdoms, darkened with the stains
Of long and sore maltreatment though she be,
Amidst her ashes a sweet voice retains:
And our old village was as deep imbued
With music as a mavis-peopled wood.


When evening fell upon the long-drawn street,
And brother-fields, reposing hand in hand,
Unlike where feverish cities scorn to greet
Atoning dusk that quiets all the land,
'T was my amusement to go strolling by
Houses and cottages, a friendly spy.



In one place would a fiddle deftly glide
Through jovial mazes of a jig or reel;
Or ever deepen down with plaintive slide,
Like passion forced to tremble, bend and kneel;
Or rise like bitter sorrow half subdued,
And gently buoyant to a higher mood.


Blent with the roar of bellows and of flame,
Perchance the reed-voice of a clarionet
From forge's open, ruddy shutter came;
Or round some hearth a silent ring was set,
Where the low flute with plaintive quivering ran on
Through “Colleen Dhas,” or “Hawk of Ballyshannon.”


And not the least delightful glimpse, o' nights,
Would be, a group of girls at needlework,
Placed round a candle throwing soft half-lights
On the contrasted faces, and the dark
And fair-haired heads, a bunch of human flowers,—
Whilst some old ditty helped to wile the hours.



Pianoforte's sound from curtained pane
Would join the lofty to the lowly roof,
In the sweet links of one harmonious chain;
And often down the street some Glee's old woof,
“Hope of my heart”—“Ye shepherds”—“Lightly tread,”
Would stay my steps, or lull me in my bed.


Claude was our village music-master's name.
His little foreign mother, pale and sad,
Only to make him ours by birth-right came,
And call him Claude,—an alien grave she had,
Beneath the ivy's everlasting pall,
That hangs upon the ruined abbey-wall.


Nature for once a father's hope outwent
In gifts that favoured his peculiar prayer:
And all the widower's fond desires were bent
In Claude his own successor to prepare;
Commencing from that moment he could win
A baby-crow with tinkling triangle's din.



And to the boy it did not come amiss,
To live and labour in the new Art-world.
Easy and native he became in this;
And gladly every green thought-tendril curled
Around the trelliage, shaped itself thereby,
And on that ladder mounted to the sky.


To time and tune his young sensations swayed.
He heard a minor in the wind at night
To what it all day long had boldly played;
The thunder roared like bands before the might
Of marching armies; in a summer calm
The chanting waters fell into a psalm.


The chapel organ-loft, his father's seat,
Was to the child an earthly paradise;
And that celestial one, that used to greet
His infant dreams, could take no other guise
Than green enchanting curtains and gold pipes,
And angels of whom quire-girls were the types.



For chosen shrewdly from the congregation,
His father's training had sufficed to bring
Some sweet wild voices to subordination
To simple rules of chant; and these would sing
So sweetly with the little instrument,
That heavenward scarce more sister music went.


Poor girls in chief; here, one who had her nest
Like mountain throstle, 'mong the gay gold furze,
As honey-voiced; there, one compelled to rest
Like finch in cage, whose tones not equalled hers,
When what she hummed at work all through the week
Rose up in Sabbath chorus, proud and meek.


Month after month, young Claude was used to sit
Beside his father; till there came at length
The long-expected day, that found him fit
To have committed to his boyish strength
Those magic keys, which open wide the gates
Of a new world, soft-swayed by fairy fates.



Free by these portals to adventure forth
Through Music-land, where half dissolves the veil
That blinds an unknown region from our earth,
To lustrous sheen or silver vapours pale:
Unchecked through wide and wëird realms to travel,
And many a haunted pathway to unravel.


Oft, when the river winding through the plain,
And distant fields were shaded, fold on fold,
With the slow dusk, and on the purpling pane
Soft twilight barred with crimson and with gold
Lent to the simple little house of prayer
A richly solemn, a cathedral air;


His symphonies, to suit the dying close,
Suffused the calm with tones too tender-sweet
For tear-refusal; least of all by those
Who in the dew were lingering to complete
Their pious “Paters,” kneeling by a grave;
To whom a heavenly comforting it gave.



So went the years. Day after quiet day
Bathing our village, in the great time-floods
Set like an islet with a hawthorn grey,
Where circling seasons bring a share of buds,
Nests, blossoms, scarlet fruit; and, in their turn,
Of falling leaves and broken twigs forlorn.


So went the years, that never may abide.
How boy to manhood, manly prime to age,
With ceaseless, unsuspected motion slide!
His father, wearying in his pilgrimage,
Has long resign'd to Claude the master's place,
A youthful master, and boy-smooth in face.


But Claude still saves his hour of evening leisure:
And now, the Spring upon the emerald hills
Dancing with flying clouds, how keen his pleasure,
Plunged in deep glens, or tracking upland rills,
Till night's first star recall him from his roaming,
To breathe his gathered secrets to the gloaming.



Spring was around him, and within him too.
Delightful time! when life without a spur
Bounds gaily forward, and the heart is new
As the green wand fresh budded on a fir;
And Nature, into jocund chorus waking,
Tempts each young voice to join her merry-making.


Many a clear echo gave he to the Spring,
When from his fingers streamed electric power,
In spirit-troops of evanescent wing,
And sunshine glimpsing through the April shower,
And clouds, and delicate glories, and the bound
Of yellow sky came melting into sound.


The ear receives in common with the eye,
One beauty, flowing through a different gate;
Melody is its form, and harmony
Its hue; the arts so interpenetrate,
And all reciprocally sympathise,
For all at first from one foundation rise.



Nature is one, and Art is also one,—
The Sun of Nature, and the Moon of Art;
And he who at the centre has begun,
Shall lifefully perform his single part;
Whilst he who blindly chains himself to this
In surface-work, the part shall also miss.


Yet sometimes in Claude's playing came a tone,
It never caught upon the April earth,
A sighing music, scarcely deemed his own,
That rose uncalled, and sounded like the birth
Of pensive longing, and of soft despair,
Of novel promise veiled with doubt and care.


Abode a dim anxiety, and threw
Upon his thoughts its shadow from behind;
That he was ever as in search, he knew,
But never what it was he hoped to find;
Companions pained him, and whene'er he could,
He soothed himself with friendliest solitude.



For he was in that crisis of the soul
When many men grow weak, and some grow strong;
When morning mists begin to rise and roll,
Sweet poison stings the poet into song,
Love to the lover shows the life of life,
The heart's white shield is summoned into strife.


Duly each lengthening evening served to call
His footsteps to the frank, untroubled fields;
Ev'n though the gulphy sky with frequent fall
Lightened its mass of clouds, and all the bields
And boughs were dripping wet; and day by day
One constant path now seemed to be his way.


Two pupils lived upon the river side,
At Ivycot,—just where a sudden gush
Of foamy tumbling water, then a wide
And lakelike mirror sundered, brimming flush,
The wooded shores; and there he also found
His golden leisure's best enchanted ground.



It was a humble home, compact and neat
As oriole's nest. A gentle woman, she
Who chose and beautified the green retreat,
Where she was doomed so short a time to be,
Ere summoned to a stiller place of rest;
Spending her last breath in a dear behest.


That was for her two daughters: she had wed
A plain, rough husband, though a kind and true;
And “Dearest Bernard,” from her dying bed
She whispered, “Promise me you'll try to do
For Ann and Milly what was at my heart,
If God had spared me to perform my part.”


As well as his not ample means allowed,
Or as the neighbouring village could supply,
The father kept his promise, and was proud
To see the girls grow up beneath his eye,
Two ladies in their culture and their mien;
Though with a difference easy to be seen.



A spirit unrefined the elder had,
An envious eye, a tongue of petty scorn.
That women these may own—how true! how sad!
And these, though Ann had been a countess born,
Had stamped her meaner to the dullest sight,
As is a yellow lily than a white.


White lily,—Milly,—darling little girl!
I think I see as once I saw her stand;
Her light hair waving in a single curl
Behind her ear,—a kid licking her hand;
Her fair young face with health and racing warm,
And loose frock blown about her slender form.


The dizzy lark, a dot on the white cloud,
That sprinkles music to the April breeze,
Was not more gay than Milly's lightsome mood;
The gentle bird that starry twilight sees
Cradled among the braird in closest bower,
Was not more quiet than her quiet hour.



Knowledge flowed softly to her open mind,
And made it rich with colour and perfume,
As flowers imbibe the sun; she seemed to find
Her thoughts and acts unconsciously assume
A tone like Nature's heiress, one endowed
With harebell, leaf, and star, and rosy cloud.


Not seldom Claude without intention used
His customary time to overstay
With her, whose music was a power educed
From inner treasures, opening day by day;
Not seldom, whilst with finest skill he taught,
It seemed he took away more than he brought.


And never did her fair face look more fair
Than when the sacred glow of harmonies
Lighted it up, as though her spirit were
A mild blue heav'n out-beaming at her eyes,
As with Claude's voice her round contralto rose
In those sweet psalm-tunes which they often chose.



She was a child in years when he began
His visits; but her mind was further grown.
Woman more childhood ever keeps than man,
In her soft voice and cheek—nor these alone;
And up the sky with no intense revealing
May the great dawn of womanhood come stealing.


The faded moon of childhood, trembling white,
Now lingers low in her soul's flushing heaven,
As wooed in a farewell; the mounting light
Transfuses all the air with subtle leaven;
And shadowy mountain-peaks begin to show
Their unsuspected paths amid the glow.


Her silky locks have ripened into brown,
Her soft blue eyes grown deeper and more shy;
And lightly on her lifted head the crown
Of queenly maidenhood sits meek and high;
And in the rich reluctance of her voice
A seraph seems too thoughtful to rejoice.



Few her companions are, and few her books;
And in a ruined convent's circling shade,
The very loveliest of river-nooks,
Where trailing birch, fit bower for gentle maid,
And feathered fir-tree half shut out the stream,
She often sits alone to read or dream.


Thence once or twice she thinks that she espies
Claude's fleeting figure on the other shore;
But ever past the charmèd ground he hies,
And where the rapids round an angle roar
Through verdured crags, shelters his beating heart;
Child-like intent to seek yet stay apart.


Milly resumes her favourite reverie
About “a friend,” “a real friend, to love;”
But finds her broken thought is apt to flee
To what seem other subjects: slowly move
The days, and counted days move ever slowest:
Milly!—how long ere thine own heart thou knowest?



Sooner than Claude knows his. His path-side birds
Are scarcely more unconscious or more shrinking.
Yet would he tell his love in simple words,
Did love stand clearly in his simple thinking;
Too high that grand discovery for one
Who thinks that life with him is scarce begun.


All but himself seem wise and busy men;
He feels as though despised, and justly too,
Or only borne with;—could he venture then
To deem this rich inheritance his due?
Slowly the fine and tender soul discerns
Its rareness, and its noble station learns.


And so upon a royal eventide,
When the ripe month sets glowing earth and air,
And lovely Summer by a current side
Twines amber honeysuckles in her hair,
Our Claude and Milly meet by trembling chance,
And side by side are moving, as in trance.



It is a path branch-curtained and moss-grown,
From which at intervals the loiterer sees,
Through headland green and ivied rock borne down,
The white flood flashing swift behind the trees.
How oft they stop, how long, they nothing know,
Nor how the pulses of the evening go.


A level pond, adorned with softest shadows
Of groves and fissured cliffs and evening sky,
And rural domes of hay, where sunny meadows
Slope to embrace its margin peacefully,
The slumb'ring river to the rapid draws;
And here, upon a grassy jut, they pause.


How shy a strength is Love's, that so much fears
Its darling secret to itself to own!
Their rapt, illimitable mood appears
To each of them to be enjoyed alone;
Exalted high above all range of hope
By the pure soul's eternity of scope.



Yet in each heart a prophecy there breathes,
Of how in future hours this evening's phantom,
Arrayed in fairer hues than sunlight weaves
For Nature's richest robe, may rise to haunt them.
The landscape wavers from the sight of each;
And full their bosoms swell, too full for speech.


Is it a dream? The countless happy stars
Stand silently into the deepening blue;
In slow procession all the molten bars
Of cloud move down; the air is dim with dew;
Eve scatters roses on the shroud of Day,
And the old world seems far withdrawn away.


With good-night kiss the zephyr, warm with sleep,
Gains its soft cradle in a bed of trees,
Where river-chimes aye tolling sweet and deep
Make lullaby; and all field-scents that please
The Summer, float into its veil of gloom
Dream-interwoven in a viewless loom.



Clothed with an earnest paleness, not a blush,
And with the angel gravity of love,
Each lover's face amid the twilight hush
Is like a saint's whose thoughts are all above
In voiceless gratitude for heavenly boon;
And o'er them for a halo comes the moon.


Thus through the leaves and through the gloaming croft
They linger homeward. Flowers around their feet
Bless them, and in the firmament aloft
Night's silent ardours. And an hour too fleet,
Though like whole years of bliss without a blot,
Has drawn them to the porch of Ivycot.—


Unfolding love full many a change hath lent
To lovers' bearing, flushed and wanned by turns;
In hearts so simple and so innocent
The sacred flame with steady whiteness burns.
They do not shrink, hereafter, but the more
Seek converse; sweeter, graver than before.



One theme at last preferred to every other,
They joy to talk of that mysterious land
Where each enshrines the image of a mother,
Intentest watcher in the guardian band;
And scope to high and tender thought is given,
All unembarrassed, in the air of Heaven.


Thus sometimes when a hymn has died away
With Palestrina's music of full chords,
And at the trellised window loiter they,
Deferring their good-night with golden words,
Almost they see, without a throb of fear,
Spirits in the blue twilight standing near.


But day by day, and week by week pass by,
And still the floating Cupid spreads his plume,
Poised on the verge of blissful certainty,
While ev'n a look may call him to assume
The purple ease of his expectant throne,
And claim two loyal subjects for his own.



Wondrous, that first full, mutual look of love,
Coming ere either looker is aware;
Unbounded trust, a tenderness above
All tenderness, a blessing in a prayer,
Music, and dreams, and life, and joy, and might,
Soft-swimming in a single beam of light!


Oh, when shall fly this talismanic glance,
Which melts like lightning every bolt of steel,
Displays the weighty riddle all at once
That sun and moon were powerless to reveal?
Hath Time the moment treasured when these two
Shall blend their souls in one, like drops of dew?


Claude came one evening earlier than his hour,
Distrustful of the oft-consulted clock;
And now he waits alone until his flower,
Who keeps true time as one of Flora's flock
Shepherded by the even-star, shall fold
Her loveliness for soft home-leaves to hold.



Nor does he think it long. Familiar-dear,—
A sanctity pervades the silent room.
It is the Autumn season of the year;
And mystic softness and love-weighty gloom
Gather with twilight. In a dream he lays
His hand on the piano—dreaming plays.


And low and broken sounds at first are stealing
Into the shaded stillness; trembling low
And broken tearfully; opprest with feeling
That knoweth not, and is afraid to know,
The mystery of its life;—but soon do words
Begin to measure with more passionate chords.


And all that has been shadowing through his brain,
A dim existence waiting to be born,—
Amid the inspiration of a strain
Half full of ecstasy and half forlorn,
Flows into eager rapture of expression,
And love at last has gained its free confession.



Angel of Music! when our finest speech
Is all too coarse to give the heart relief,
The inmost fountains lie within thy reach,
Soother of every joy and every grief;
And to the creeping words thou lendest wings
On which aloft the 'franchised spirit springs!


Claude leaves the earth below him; fade and lapse
All worldly circumstance of place and time;
A mist-like music, never his, enwraps
And bears him toward some destiny sublime.
The notes are smothered in his tingling ears,
His head swims, and his cheeks are wet with tears.


He cannot overhear (O might it be!)
This stifled sobbing at the open door,
Where Milly stands arrested tremblingly
By that which in an instant tells her more
Than all the dumb months mused of: tells it plain
To joy that cannot comprehend its gain.



One moment, and they shall be face to face;
Free in the gift of this great confidence,—
Wrapt in the throbbing calm of its embrace;
No more to disunite their spirits thence.
The myrtle crown half stoops to either brow,—
But ah! what alien voice disturbs them now?


Her sister comes. And Milly turns away;
Hurriedly bearing to some quiet spot
Her tears and her full heart, longing to lay
On a dim pillow cheeks so moist and hot:—
The midnight stars between her curtains gleam,
And Milly sleeps, and dreams a happy dream.


Oh, dream, poor child, beneath the midnight stars!
Lie slumbering far into the yellow dawn!
The shadow creeps apace; the storm that mars
The lily even now is stealing on.
All has been long fulfilled: yet could I weep
At thought of thee so quietly asleep!



Most cruel Nature, so untouched, so hard,
The while thy children shake with joy or pain;
Thou wilt not forward Love, nor Death retard
One finger-push for mortals' dearest gain!
Claude, through the summer night, serenely spread,
Strays calmly home, and finds his father—dead.


Thereafter follow many heavy days,
Like wet clouds moving through a sullen sky.
A great, unlooked-for change the mind dismays,
And smites its world with instability;
Its rocks seem quaking, towers and treasures vain,
Peace foolish, Joy disgusting, Hope insane.


And Ivycot itself, that image dear,
Returns to Claude's mind like its own pale ghost,
In melancholy garments, drenched and sere,
Its light, its colour, and its music lost.
Wanting one token sure to lean upon,
(How nearly gained!) his dream of joy is gone.



His uncle, from beyond th'Atlantic wave
By hap a visitor at this sad season,
Finding him now of such a mood the slave,
Afresh impels him, and with weighty reason,
To his new-chosen country in the West.
And Claude at length gives way to his request.


Brief is the parting scene, and frosty dumb.
The unlike sisters stand alike unmoved;
For Milly's soul is wildered, weak, and numb;
That dead and lost which seemed so dearly proved.
While thought and speech she struggles to recover,
Her hand is prest—and he is gone for ever.


Time speeds: on an October afternoon,
Across the well-known view he looks his last:
The valley clothed with peace and fruitful boon,
The chapel where such happy hours were passed,
With rainbow foliage massing round its eaves,
And windows all a-glitter through the leaves.



The cottage-smokes, the river;—gaze no more,
Sad heart!—although thou canst not, wouldst not shun
The visions future years will oft restore;
Whereon the light of many a summer sun,
The stars of many a winter night, shall be
Mingled in one strange, sighing memory.