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Peace and war

An Ode. By William Allingham. Reprinted, by permission, from the "Daily News."

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Grim war invests the trembling town,
Thundering its roofs and ramparts down.
Smoke blots the sun; the flaming shell
Brands on the night its bow of hell,
To teach despair; white famine crawls
A treacherous snake within the walls
With slow, pervading venom; blood
Empties the hearts of brave and good,
With saddest joy—their joy the more,
Whose best of life was lost before.
The while their brothers in the crowded field,
Slaying and slain, their mangled ranks restore,
Involved in smoke and hideous uproar,
And yield the whole world ere their place they yield.


Pain and woe the region strewing,
Smoke that beacons death and ruin,
Empty farm and silent village,
Shatter'd city given to pillage:
Husbands murder'd, frantic wives
Praying but to lose their lives;
Unpitied Youth; dishonour'd Age;
Men transform'd by lust and rage
To furious beasts; such government is thine,
Terrific Presence! such thy strength malign!