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SONNET. Irregular.

Another gathering from the days gone by!
Another re-assembling by the stream
Of dear old forms—a grand fraternity!
What noble presences invest my dream!
Parents of deeds renowning and renown'd—
The wrestlers that in art and song o'ercame,
And help'd to raise our country to its fame!
The muse of memory stands on hallow'd ground,
And in performance of a solemn rite,
When to the trysting-place of old regard,
Which cons the river in its varied flight,
(A wooded knoll with undergrowth of sward,)
She summons round her all the shades of worth—
Companions in the sport which lightens toil—
The hundred-gifted champions of the North,
Who with their increment of boisterous health
Drawn from unstinted use of heaven's pure air,
Heighten'd the lustre of the midnight oil,
And gave to life new thoughts and fancies rare—
Standard accessions to our famed book wealth!