University of Virginia Library



Beside a furzy common patched with sand,
An ancient mansion stood, a piebald heap
Of blackened oak and plaster: in the days
Of queenly Bess a hall, a farmstead now.
Here Martha Bruce for many years abode,
A widowed mother with a single child,
Mary a comely blossom of eighteen.
Now Martha, ere she fell in widowhood,
Had in her cares of wisedom fretful grown:
A grievance-searching nature hers, most keen
To guage and probe the petty rubs and thorns


Of household custom: dwelling on her cares,
She bred them for herself from carelessness
And want of system; then on these complained
In needless-fretful whining, till she made
The mote annoyance bulge a beam of wrong,
And half believed herself an injured drudge,
The very model of a wife ill-used.
And thus she found her trouble for herself
By faults of nature part, of nurture more:
Forsooth she had been delicately bred,
A yeoman's daughter upon gentry's verge,
Taught that to move in homely usefulness,
To touch a pan or darn a stocking end,
Were loss of caste: the lady must not toil;
And the more helpless the more lady she.
And thus the girl grew, till she came to wed,
Environed with a draff gentility:
And when she wedded with a poorer man
She started on the test of married days


With slender stock of foresight; soon to fail,
And sour herself and make a curse of home,
Alternative in shrewing and in tears.
And, after years, her goodman chanced to die;
She, left with narrow store and one weak child,
Held barely on the farm as best she might
Unthrifty, cankered with penurious days,
While still she gave her want the fiercer sting
With jarring discontents, and evil thoughts
Against her richer neighbours in the land.
And she would prate to Mary as she grew,
Filling the child with vainness and conceit,
How ne'er another lass in all the shire
Could touch her Mary's beauty by a league.
And she could tell, nay, well enough she knew,
Mary's sweet face should drive the neighbour lads
Half mad in time: but she was not for these.
Nay, but she hoped her child would bring her ease,
And come to marry in a wealthy house,


And comfort her old mother's latter days
In sunshine and the honour of her name.
But to the fair face, dreaming on the world
Of future wonder and the things to be,
The rolling years came slowly, till the time
Had shaped her woman and had overborne
Her girlhood. Then the mother looked at her
And thought, ‘My wish sights haven in this child.
My still endeavour all these eighteen years
Has fruited richly. I shall see good days
And lay my bones in honourable rest.’
But westward of the heath by some hours' ride,
James Bolton lived, half farmer and half squire,
Florid, fair-built, some twenty-four years old:
Who rode his hunters: kept his park of deer,
A small one: owned some land and rented more.
He, from the hunt thrown out one winter eve,
Pushed meditative homewards with loosed rein;


And chanced on Mary leaning near a well
To lift her pitcher: in whose gentle eyes
He read a power that seemed to clothe in light
The gray lane with its bare and soughing twigs
Of leafless hazel: and his horse drew up
Guessing the rider's mind. But James's blood
Came at a leap in crimson to his face,
Deep as the red leaves showering from the eaves
Of cottage trailers: somewhat less she blushed;
As the warm west answers the eastern glow
At sunrise matching with a fainter rose.
And so they dwelt confusedly: but he
Grasping suggestion, with a quickened brain,
From the mid flutter of his heart, devised
To feign a thirsty pretext for delay,
So perhaps to speak a word or change a glance.
And she, how could she else? with some faint smile
Willingly gave the bright wave of the well
Caught from its source and trickling now no more
In prison walls, and reached it, near as fair


As she, whose story in the Church is read,
The mother of the favoured Israel.
So Mary stood: he leaning from his steed
Forgot his thirst in gazing o'er the rim
Upon the giver, and, so ending, thanked:
And with some trivial sentence interchanged
Past on and homewards; only to return
With the gray light of the succeeding days,
And wait beside the freshet till she came.
Till it grew custom and they settled hours
Of frequent tryst; and love newborn resumed
The millionth time upon two wondering hearts
His ancient empire; trustful love as young
As when the first pale lovers moistened eyes,
And trusted vows were everlasting stuff
And passion's lease eternal.
So the time
Wore: and the mother, in short-sighted zeal,
For Mary dared not tell her yet of James


From some vague awkwardness and half in fear,
Dinned in the daughter's ear perpetual praise
Of one rich miller in a neighbour vale.
Her very model of a son-in-law,
This miller with his solemn face inane,
Broad-cheeked, and well-to-do, and middle-aged,
Easily natured, patient to be led:
Slow in his speech, nor rash to overflow
In glancing topic or colloquial fence.
He, in a mooning fondness for the girl,
Would sit, on drowsy Sunday afternoons,
On the same parlour chair, in staid routine
Of an accredited courtship, much besunned
With bland maternal smiles and meaning looks.
But Mary sat unmoved with wearied face:
For duller seemed the good man than a day
That drips without a stint from dawn to dusk.
And so he came by clock-work and withdrew
The same to a minute, phrasing his farewell
Upon a constant formula: nor dreamt


In his thick hide that Mary wished him gone
Ere he had passed the door: and, week by week,
Heavily amorous, still he came and came,
And took his courtship as his Sunday beef,
Equably stolid, and with both content.
But, after that James Bolton sought her heart,
On Mary loathing towards that other grew:
Where hardly she had borne him from the first
Outright she hated now, and gave to James
A deeper tenderness: so time went on.
At length the miller on a Sunday noon
Walked with the mother in the orchard grass;
Where, plucking heart with prefatory hems,
He told her there and then, ‘that, on advice,
For folks had told him he had courted now
The right time to an ell, who knew the best
How such things should be with a thriving man,
Who paid his way, and might, but he cared not


For such things—and worse men had done it too—
Subscribe himself Esquire. Well, it were best,
Since he should wed her daughter, to agree
The how and when, and clench the matter soon.
The girl seemed shy at times: young girls were shy:
Time set that right: it suited him as well.
He did not want a girl to droop and pine,
And swear she loved him fifty times a-day,
Fierce tinder soon burnt out. The best of wives
Were they that wed without the trash of hearts
And lover nonsense. All that folks required
To rub on well together thro' the world
Came after marriage.’
This he blurted out
In puffs unevenly, unusual length
Of verbiage for his silence. Martha gave
Joyful assent, and promised for her child
All should be smooth and settled in a week.
Then Martha told her daughter, and the girl


Looked scared, but answered nothing for the night;
Nor would the mother press her further then.
So Mary slipt in silence to her rest;
But ere she slept she wrote to James, and told
How things went ill against their love at home:
And how her mother hurried on the match
She hated, and she knew not what to do.
On James his trouble thickened as he read,
For need of action came in unripe hour,
Ere he had settled purpose with himself.
He feared his mother likewise; who abode
And kept his house with him, and watched her son
With jealous and maternal tyranny.
She, daughter of a county family,
Had ruled her goodman straitly till his death,
Quelling his free-will with superior birth
And right assumed of territorial pride:
And, since this sway bore weaker on the son,
She ever strove, by straining it the more,


To brace her tottering frail prerogative.
Thus, to sustain her ground, she came to feel
Past reason querulous on imagined slight
And faintest contradiction: and James knew
That all her heart, as all her pride, was set
To match him with a slip of some great squire,
Whose race had held their acres, sire to son,
Since rose with rose contended, in a chain
Of proud, obscure, and dull gentility.
Now James had wrote to Mary he would come
The morrow; so he turned the question round
Thro' all that day and half a restless night
In sleep, that came, more hateful than unrest,
To feign distorted shadows of his thought.
And so with light he rose, and unrefreshed
Rode out across the meadows, crushing down
His care with motion in the whistling airs
Of morning: and he rested not his steed
Until he found her by the lisping well


Pallid as he was pale, and in her eyes
He read the crisis of his life was come.
Then she, ‘Alas, my own and not my own!
I tremble in the presence of this hour,
Which parts or binds us all our doom of days
Till we are cold in earth, and summer-time
Is one with winter on the pulseless heart.
We plant weak vows eternal, else unroot
The slender threads which held us in a soil
Of rich delusion. Thine, O love, to choose:
On thee self-doubtful leaning I withhold
My wavering judgment: yet in one resolve
Most resolute am I, that if mistrust
Or fleck of unsure purpose touch thy wish
To cast in hand with mine this earthly time—
I will begone and see thy face no more,
And bear it patiently, as bear I can:
And better thus, than in my autumn days
To hang a clog about the neck I love
When this poor cheek has worn its freshness by.’


She faltered, ending thus, and dimmed his sight:
Yet at his brain, while moister grew his eyes,
A selfish instinct came. As one at bay,
Environed with self-wrought perplexities,
Sees some escape, unhoped for, thrust at him,
And, good or evil, grasps it—So with James,
Chancing on sudden outlet, eager flashed
Suggestion to ensure it:
‘When I came,
And found you, Mary, listening in soft light,
Strong love thrust out all hazards to conclude
Thy fate and mine together. But thy words,
Children of wisdom, wisely have imposed
Some rein of caution on the sudden heart,
That rushes blindly to its end, with guide,
Save heated fancy, none. I now reverse
My former mind: I see that wait we must:
Wait in no rash endeavour to foresee
The sequel, or precipitate the close:
And yours to bend this mother to delay


Our stolid miller's suit, too mean to raise
Much anger, else abhorred: allege, you can,
A peck of girlish reasons. Love, take heart;
Be, love demands it, in entreaty brave;
And all shall prosper nobly, when I win
My mother down to reason from her pride.’
And so they kissed and parted. But James rode
Homewards with loosened rein: no ease at heart:
Vext that he had not acted fair and well.
So, pricking on the faster to beat down
The chafing thought, he took across the fields,
To slice an angle from the road, and cleared
The fences in his line: but at the third
The horse, who rose not, crushing thro' the stakes
Rolled on his rider, whom some ploughmen came
And found, to bear him homewards sense-bereft.
But James was long in fever from his fall,
And him his mother tended. But mischance


Brought in his coat the letter to her hand,
Last writ of Mary, when they brought him in
Helpless and stunned. She read it, and long days
The mother watched him, scheming to unweave
The love this letter taught. Some comfort this,
His illness, bad in most, was good in this
That she might plot unthwarted: and she held,
All means were holy and a mother's right
To stave her son from this perpetual shame
Of mating low: for all her thought was blind
And warped with narrow county pride; and chief
She feared her spinster sisters in their hall
Lined with the canvas faces of past squires,—
Great squires, each in his narrow walk supreme,
Lords of the hind and acres at their gate,
They drank, bred, hunted their allotted time,
Then gave the parish-church one hatchment more.
So, from fierce dread this match might come about
In her despite, when James was up and sound,


The mother stooped to guilt: and first she penned
In James's hand close-mimicked some vague lines,
Hinting on doubts to Mary, half-grown fears,
To let her gently down, and pave the road:
So prelude in her final forgery
The key-note of her plot: this last she sent
A week in rear. From James the writing ran
In purport crafty, ‘That, in deepest pain,
Tortured he wrote with all perplexity—
He was not master of the course of things,
He least could guide them: he had broached his love
For Mary to his people one by one:
Had tried remonstrance, all persuasion—drops
On granite—“Wed he must if wed he would
Beneath him; he was master of himself.
They could not stay his wiving, nor could he
Constrain them—and on this their mind was firm—
To change a single nod with his vile choice
Caught from the milk-pail.’” The insidious hand
On Mary laid decision what was best,


Assured she could but answer and release
James of all faith henceforward. As indeed
Came the reply of Mary, penned in tears,
‘But blaming James in nothing, with a prayer
That he might find some worthier than herself
To make him happy at a future day.
Nor must James fret about her: she would choose
Mayhap in time an equal when this dream
Had faded, one whose mother should not blush
To call her daughter—ending with farewell.’
And when this came the mother had good heed
To intercept it from the sick man's hand.
So in her scheme she prospered, still in dread
Lest James should move about again too soon
And crush her web to nought.
But that day month
The pale sad Mary, crushed with evil days
And goaded by her mother, morn and noon,
Wedded the heavy miller, and so passed
Beyond the land, to pore in after years


On what had been, and train a patient heart
In one dull round of loveless duty's sphere.
But James, who mended slowly, chanced to read
The County Herald, lighting on the news:
And for a space the ceiling and the walls
Swam round him, sick and stunned. He giddily rose,
And strove to dress and dash aside his pain;
But on him came his weakness and prevailed,
As clearer flashed conviction of his full
And utter desolation. Could he mend
An hour of her irrevocable doom
Now were his strength at fullest? Lost as dead
Was Mary now: could strong despair unknit
Life-woven vows, the goodman from his wife?
And, if he moved, of bad should worse ensue
To Mary full as wretched as himself,
If he knew right, in this thrice-loathed result
Of motherly compulsion. Fool and blind
To waver two months since: then blindly ride


A break-neck course in spleen: thus men lost all.
He wished his neck had broken: this had spared
All self-reproach, much bitterness of time
Hereafter, and the sting of wasted chance.
He must not even see her, but sit still,
In forced inaction dribbling out his days
With trivial occupation as they came.
So wore his life away; till at the last
In apathy or weakness, or in both,
He wedded as his mother bade him wed,
And never knew her guilty till his grave.