University of Virginia Library

He fiercely scanned the East for signs of dawn;
Then shook his clenchèd hand above his head,
And blazed with savage eyes and brow thrown back
To front the awful Presence he addressed:
“Slay and make end; or take some mortal form
That I may strive with Thee! Art Thou so strong
And yet must smite me out of Thine Unseen?
Long centuries have passed since Thou didst place
Thy mark upon me, lest at any time
Men finding me should slay me. I have grown
Feeble and hoary with the toil of years—
An aged Palsy—now, alas, no more
That erst colossal adamant whereon
Thine hand engraved its vengeance. Be Thou just,
And answer when I charge Thee. Have I blenched


Before Thy fury; have I bade Thee spare;
Hath Thy long torture wrung one sob of pain,
One cry of supplication from my mouth?
But Thou hast made Thyself unseen; hast lain
In ambush to afflict me. Day and night
Thou hast been watchful. Thy vindictive eyes
Have known no slumber. Make Thyself a man
That I may seize Thee in my grips, and strive
But once on equal terms with Thee—but once.
Or send Thine angel with his sword of fire—
But no; not him! Come Thou, come Thou Thyself;
Come forth from Thine Invisible, and face
In mortal guise the mortal Thou hast plagued!”