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Scene VI.

—The Market-place, at the entrance of the Clothiers' Hall.
The Provost of the Clothiers, with several Burghers and the Chaplain of that craft.
Him! did ye say? choose him for Captain? So!


Then look about you in the morning, friends,
For ye shall find him stirring before noon;
The latest time o' the day is twelve o' the clock;
Then comes he forth his study with his book,
And looking off and on like parson preaching,
Delivers me his orders.

1st Burgher.
Nay, Provost, nay;
He is a worthy and a mild good man,
And we have need of such.

He's what you say;
But 'tis not mildness of the man that rules
Makes the mild regimen.

Who's to rule the fierce?
“I prithee, Van den Bosch, cut not that throat;
Roast not this man alive, or, for my sake,
If roast he must, not at so slow a fire;
Nor yet so hastily impale this other,
But give him time to ruminate and foretaste
So terrible an end.” Mild Philip thus
Shall read his lecture of humanity.

Truly the tender mercies of the weak,
As of the wicked, are but cruel. Well;
Pass we within; the most of us are here,
And Heaven direct us to a just resolve!

[Exeunt all but two Burghers.
1st Burgher.
The scaffold, as I see, is newly wet.
Who was the last that suffer'd?

2nd Burgher.
What, to-day?


I know not; but the brave Van Borselen's blood
(God rest his soul!) can scarcely yet be dry
That suffer'd yesterday.

1st Burgher.
For treason was't?

2nd Burgher.
The treason of the times; the being rich;
His wealth was wanted.

1st Burgher.
Hath he not an heir?

2nd Burgher.
A bold one if he claim the inheritance.
Come, pass we in.