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Legal & Other Lyrics

By George Outram: Containing a number of new pieces & fifteen illustrations by Edward J. Sullivan

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Air—“O the Roast-Beef of Old England!

Hurrah for the Multiplepoinding! Hurrah!
What land but our own such a gem ever saw?
The Process of Processes—Pride of the law—
Hurrah for the Multiplepoinding!
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
To the rich, to the poor, to the high, to the low,
'Tis open to all who a title can show—
It combines every comfort that litigants know—
Hurrah for the Multiplepoinding!
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
No matter in what shape your claim may emerge,
By Petition or Summons, Suspension or Charge,
Reduction, Declarator, all may converge
And conjoin in the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
From the north, from the south, from the east, from the west,
Come claimants, each deeming his own claim the best,
What myriads of lawyers are then in request
To manage the Multiplepoinding!
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!


Hark! hark! what the deuce is that Macer about?
What means his prolonged, diabolical shout?
Does the man mean to call the whole Faculty out?
Hurrah! 'tis the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
See! see! how the lawyers all start at the sound!
See! see! how the agents from place to place bound!
See! see! how their clerks flash like lightning around!
Hurrah! 'tis the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
They rush to the Bar like the waves of the sea—
They swarm like a hive on the branch of a tree—
They'll smother the Judge—he is not a Queen Bee—
Hurrah for the Multiplepoinding!
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
But the storm is composed, and there's silence at last
The lawyers look grave, and the Judge looks aghast,


And the short-hand Reporter prepares to write fast
His notes of the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
There the Dean stands profound as the depths of the sea;
And Snaigow—as smooth as its surface could be;
And Rutherfurd—sharp as the rocks on the lee;
All fee'd for the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
And there stands M `Neill, “with his nostril all wide,”
And Ivory's eyes glisten fierce by his side;
And Cunninghame's there with his papers untied,
And dreams of the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
And More and Buchanan have come at the call,
And Marshall, and Pyper, and Whigham and all—
And Peter the Great looks to Adam the Tall
To open the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!


'Twas Jane M `Grugar, ship-chandler, Dundee,
Became moribund in the year twenty-three,
And disponed her estates all to Nathan M `Ghee,
Who claims in the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
That she had not disponed in liege poustie was plain,
For she ne'er went to kirk or to market again—
So maintains her apparent heir, Donald M `Bean,
Who claims in the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
Now Donald M `Bean was in debt to the knee,
And so, it appeared, too, was Nathan M `Ghee,
And Janet herself had by no means been free,
And so came the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
So what with arrestments, where'er funds could be,
And charges on bill and extracted decree,
And hornings and captions—you'll easily see
'Twas a beautiful Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!


But where are the claimants, and how have they sped?
See yon shrivelled matron, as hueless as lead—
'Tis a liferent she claims—and she's on her death bed!
Hurrah for the Multiplepoinding!
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
Her deep indignation she cannot repress,
Though her tongue is scarce able her griefs to express—
She swears 'tis an action of “double distress.”
Hurrah for the Multiplepoinding!
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
The landlord claimed rent—and he'll best tell you how
He got into the process by poinding a cow;
His hypothec is quite hypothetical now—
Hurrah for the Multiplepoinding!
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
The Suspender was bothered to such a degree
That he went and suspended himself from a tree;
The Arrester's in jail—no forthcoming can he
Obtain through the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!


One brought a Reduction—but he has retired,
Reduced to extremes his worst foe ne'er desired.
The Adjudger—as well as the Legal's expired.
Hurrah for the Multiplepoinding!
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
No more will the poor Heir-Apparent appear—
By way of a seisin they've seized all his gear;
He's absconded-and now his Retour, it is clear,
Can't be hoped through the Multiplepoinding—
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
In medio tutissimus!”—this might be true
When Phœbus instructed, and Phaëton flew;
But the fund, though in medio, has gone to pot too—
Hurrah for the Multiplepoinding!
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!
The Creditor's credit is utterly gone—
And he, whom they call Common Debtor, alone
Has uncommon good luck—he's got off with his own!
Hurrah for the Multiplepoinding!
The Multiplepoinding, hurrah!