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Hymns and Poems

Original and Translated: By Edward Caswall ... Second Edition

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While I was yet a little one
I pleased the Lord of grace,
And in His holy Sanctuary
He granted me a place.
There, shelter'd by His tender care,
And by His love inspired,
I strove in all things to fulfil
Whatever He desired.
I wholly gave myself to Him,
To be for ever His;
I meditated on His law
And ancient promises.
And oft at my embroidery,
Musing upon the Maid
Of whom Messias should be born,—
Thus in my heart I pray'd:
‘Permit me, Lord, one day to see
That Virgin ever dear
Predestinated in the courts
Of Sion to appear.


‘O blest estate, if but I might
Among her handmaids be!
But such a favour, O my God,
Is far too high for me.’
Thus unto God I pour'd my prayer;
And He that prayer fulfill'd,
Not as my poverty had hoped,
But as His bounty will'd.
Erewhile a trembling child of dust,
Now robed in heavenly rays,
I reign the Mother of my God
Through sempiternal days.
To me the nations of the world
Their grateful tribute bring;
To me the Powers of darkness bend;
To me the Angels sing.
[The Procession moves on.
Peal of trumpets, and enter Melchisedech, gorgeously vested as High Priest and King of Salem, bearing a Paten and Chalice of gold; whom follows the Father of the Faithful, attended by Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph; then, between Aaron and their sister Mary, Moses, bearing the two tables of stone; after whom Josue and warriors, succeeded by Ruth and maidens as gleaners. Last of all King David as a shepherd-boy, with his harp.
Hail, Queen of Salem!

Hail, Vision of peace!

(accompanying himself on his harp).
Daughter of a royal line,
Noble shoot of Jesse's rod,
Flower immortal and divine,
First among the works of God!


As I watch'd my flock by night,
Musing over Israel's woes,
Oft of old thy Vision bright,
Child of grace, before me rose.
Lulling nature's angry storm,
Oft I saw with prophet eye
Thy imperial radiant form
On the moonbeam glancing by;
All in robes of orient light,
Tinted from the azure skies,
Breathing o'er chaotic night
Perfume fresh from Paradise.
Ah, how then, O Queen of day,
I for thee would pour my tears;
Mourning o'er the long delay
Of a thousand coming years:
Yearning with a strong desire
Thy vivific birth to see;
All my spirit's depth on fire
For the times that were to be.
Those triumphant days below
Not permitted to behold,
Waiting long, while, ebb and flow,
Restlessly the ages roll'd,—
Now at last, in realms serene
Of immortal life and love,
I salute thee as the Queen
Of Jerusalem above;
Thee with joy ecstatic greet,
Glist'ning in a golden crown,
And before thy sacred feet
Lay my harp in homage down.
[The Procession moves on.


Peal of trumpets, and enter King Ezechias, bearing a lily-like flower; succeeded by other Kings of Judah, all royally arrayed; after whom Judith and attendant women, with cymbals and timbrels, moving to a solemn measure.
Hail, Glory of Jerusalem!

Hail, Delight of Israel!

Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
Arise thee now and shine;
Put on, put on thy purple robe
And diadem divine;
For by a woman's feeble arm
The Lord hath fought for thee,
And in the cause of his elect
Hath triumph'd gloriously.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
Thy streets are paved with gold;
Thy pearly halls and palaces
Are glorious to behold;
Thy walls of jasper are inlaid
With every precious gem;
How pure, how lovely is the sight
Of our Jerusalem!
Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
No tear in thee is known;
Thy bright and fragrant courts were made
For happiness alone;
The Lord alone thy Temple is,
And calls thee by His name;
The Lamb alone is all the light
Of our Jerusalem!


Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
Thou City of the skies;
Dear City of our King and God;
Dear object of our sighs!
How blest, how blest are thy abodes,
And those who dwell in them!
Thrice welcome here, O Virgin dear,
To thy Jerusalem!
[The Procession moves on.

Peal of trumpets, and enter to martial music, with banners, escorted by troops of war diversly arrayed, Allegorical Personifications of the Four Great Empires, on triumphal Cars drawn by yoked lions, leopards, and other emblematic animals; then Isaias and the other Prophets; Daniel last, bearing a scroll in his hand.
Hail Virgin who shalt conceive! Alleluia.

And bear a Son. Alleluia.

God who guides the wheeling spheres,
Keeping still His promise firm;
Lo, the Seventy Weeks of years
Speed to their prophetic term.
Vainly strove Assyria's pride,
Persian wealth, or Grecian power;
Vainly each in turn defied
Its inevitable hour.
Rome herself so strong to-day,
Greatest empire of them all,
Of her very strength the prey,
Marches onward to her fall.


Other kingdoms, Lord, than Thine,
To eternity pretend;
One alone, by right divine,
Sees of each in turn an end.
One alone, while others fade,
Growing with the growing years,
Undecaying, undecay'd,
Ever in its prime appears!
Hail, of that high Kingdom Queen!
Fairest Form that earth has trod!
Hail, Inheritance of men!
Glory of the Church of God!

At the end of the procession appear, with palms in their hands, the Hermits of Mount Carmel, conducting six ethereal steeds, which draw after them the Car of Elias, marvellously glistering. Seated in the car is seen the Archangel Gabriel.